They are arresting people. They need to investigate if those people are immigrant, then investigate if they are there under an irregular status, then they have to investigate in order to find out if any crime has been commited.
People is not illegal. Those arrests/detentions seem to be the illegal part.
None that you know about
I have some thermo regulated valves that require 1.5v as well, so for those I decided to go with regular alcaline batteries. Those are still above 80% charge after 1 year of usage, that is why I decided not going with rechargeables for those trvs
But there are 1.5v rechargeable AA batteries out there.
It would be General Failure reading the disc. I would fsck him up, and replace disc if necessary.
Yes, I know those may be different oses, but I was thinking multiplatform
Go figure
What are you reinstalling? New haos on old kvm? Old haos on new kvm? New deployment?
From the logs I read that your user chris
has no rw perms within the haos.
Protonvpn has a free tier
Sonarr takes care of it