I think ntfs does some weird shit with translating names of files in different languages too, and maybe they are simlinks
Say desktop is translated to ntesctop in some language, the real file is still desktop but there is a link as ntesctop --> desktop so without changing the system it flips from one language to another. I am not sure, I haven’t really spent much time on it, in recent years I did some installations at work but never got to play with it much.
There are some really old introductory unix texts of how the system is structured and why, 99% of this stuff is still true for most linux (except some weird experimental alternatives where people tried to create ms-unix ). The basic terminal commands should also be useful, and help you understand. For example open a terminal and see the command for copy (cp) or (mv) or mkdir rm rmdir and use -h for the help of the options of each (if -h doesn’t work then --help does) and then extensive documentation is found by name of command after “man” for manual ex: man chmod
One of the most magical things that happens in unix is mount, where you create a directory (mount point /mnt), take a device like your usb stick volume named sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
ls -lah /mnt
say you create /tmp/disks and in it a b c d e and mount 5 disks in a through e and it appears as one subdirectory /tmp/disks
Instead of looking at a file browser and something going cling-clong and appearing as a volume, what dumb people do