Nobody’s writing a NixOS virus to target me. Even if I download a linux virus it will probably complain about unmet dependencies
Nobody’s writing a NixOS virus to target me. Even if I download a linux virus it will probably complain about unmet dependencies
They do call wirelessly, but pick up on a tethered phone at master Roshi’s
So no video calling, and they showed a picture of the time machine by faxing it over
I just watched dragon ball again. They have houses that fit into a capsule, but still call each other on a land line 💀
Again, just subtract all the unique packages and you still get more packages than the AUR
If other distros have the same package, it’s not a machine generated package, is it?
This only includes packages that are also in other distros
This is just very surface level discussion. Didn’t even mention that NixOS lets you roll your system back to any previous configuration or has the most packages of any distro
They let Poland be taken apart by the Nazis and the Soviets without helping
No they didn’t, the French bent over in ww2 and the UK did fuck all
Why would I trust Fedora over the developers of the package?
The Fedora maintainers shipped broken software, they should be the ones to explain themselves
You’re years out of date
Are you from the future?
Had to check if Dutch or Russian
Try NixOS. The killer feature is mixing old and new packages because deps are not globally installed
Switched from what, Glagolithic?
Finally, tankies can be on the decolonization side again
Honestly, why switch distros? I switch DEs from time to time
I stopped liking gnome. Let’s say you try to launch a wine game and it just doesn’t launch. There’s no icon to right click on to find out which wine profile it’s launching from. The quick launch icon is just there, teasing you and not doing anything useful.
I can right click on a desktop icon in KDE and do something useful with it. KDE has gotten better. It’s no longer super buggy on Wayland with Nvidia.
Nix is the best packaging system. One of the best kept secrets is you can download old packages from github and it will install old deps into a different folder. Very useful for just downloading the exact wine version you want or keeping a broken package at the version it still worked on. I’d use bottles, but the wine versions it provided were not the latest!
So NixOS, being based on Nix is the best distro
Sure, all software has vulnerabilities, I just don’t think people will bother to exploit my particular software combination since it’s rare