Probably the latter. Seems like a cynical marketing ploy, really
Currently between olives
Probably the latter. Seems like a cynical marketing ploy, really
Surprisingly enough, some essential oils do have research-based actual uses, such as topical antibacterials, antifungals and antiparasitics.
While there’s quite a bit of woo woo around them, there’s also a lot of interesting research into phytochemicals like essential oils. Same with a few other “plant-based” things like pine resin; there’s even a clinically tested pine resin salve that helps with wound healing and is used for treating difficult wounds in some hospitals in Finland.
The problem with essential oils is trying to filter out the snake oil claims from the actual research-based claims. Most vendors tend to have pretty, well, wild claims about what their products can do, so your best bet is scholar.google.com or www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and the like
So, incest?
Yeah, same. I left a bit before the mass exodus, just like I did with Reddit -> Lemmy. I also joined IRC a bit before the Eternal September.
I feel like some sort of herald of Eternal September. So if your social media site is suddenly full of clueless morons, you can just blame me.
Protect your hearing, kids!
Seriously, PROTECT YOUR FUCKING HEARING. I was young and stupid (now I’m no longer young) and went to way too many raves, gigs etc. without any sort of hearing protection, and now I have a nice constant background track of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and can’t hear higher frequencies worth shit
Yeah to expand on this, in professional settings you’ll want a higher sampling frequency so you don’t end up with eg. aliasing, but for consumer use ≥44–48kHz sampling rate is pretty much pointless