Is an element of this to do with sexism too? I haven’t seen it mentioned but my understanding is women aren’t treated well, particularly in the workplace, leading to wanting to stay single and childfree for a better life.
Is an element of this to do with sexism too? I haven’t seen it mentioned but my understanding is women aren’t treated well, particularly in the workplace, leading to wanting to stay single and childfree for a better life.
You’re giving nothing here, so I’ll assume there’s no substance to what you’re saying.
So what’s the vow about having sex?
He’s saying that but you said there an oath? Were you meaning something else?
Legally Ireland can do that but the commitment to the 15% is there… Will be very interesting to see what happens now.
Is having sex in the usual marriage vows?
I wanna know what was in that luggage! No ticket = no paper trail… Risking your life for it… The makings of a great movie there.
Iraq is closer to amending its marriage laws which would lower the legal age of consent from 18 to nine, allowing old men to marry young girls, according to a report in The Telegraph. Dominant Shia Muslim parties in the Iraqi Parliament have proposed an amendment to the country’s “personal status law” that could see a Taliban-style rollback of all women’s rights. If passed, the legal changes will deprive the Iraqi women of rights to divorce, child custody and inheritance as well.
Fucking hell.
Your comment just got better and better 😁
Ordinary men are doing these things. Not all ordinary men, but ordinary men nonetheless. To call them anything but ordinary is to make out like they’re some special breed but they’re just ordinary men.
In my country the vaccine is unavailable publicly or privately to most people. I’m considering travelling to try to buy it. It’s fucking insane. I can buy a vaccine for pretty much anything else.
And a 21 day incubation period. Unsure how contagious it is throughout that time but you can go far and wide in 21 days. Contact tracing will be fun!
But she weighed in every other day too so she was the correct weight every day so far. One day she’s 100g over and she loses her chance for a gold medal. That’s harsh AF.
Great point!
Except he’s not a woman or dark skinned, which is what the poster is looking for.
Thanks for that. Sounds like it’s still not great for women there, which I bet makes a difference to couples decisions about family planning. I know if I was a woman in a country like that, I would not have kids or move to a country where I could have kids and a life for me.