Possibility? … this coup is more like watching moss grow over concrete … it’s taking time but it will soon cover everything and everyone is making it as hot and moist as possible to speed up the process
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Possibility? … this coup is more like watching moss grow over concrete … it’s taking time but it will soon cover everything and everyone is making it as hot and moist as possible to speed up the process
The biggest issue that no one ever wants to talk about is …
… it’s isn’t about the QUANTITY of life
… it’s about the QUALITY of life.
If people are able to have a comfortable, stable and prosperous life, with plenty of their own free time to enjoy without worrying about losing everything then they’ll make time and an effort to have a family and children.
If all our wealthy overlords ever want to do is squeeze every penny out of us all the time, then people will be less likely to want to have children.
Get 200 more pawns and one king and that’s America right now … throw in a rook, a castle and a horse with the 200 pawns and that’s capitalism
I guess you haven’t heard about the new US President
It case you aren’t aware … it’s also 2025 now.
Monday started about six hours ago … also … which Monday are we talking about here?
“The largest collection of complacent consumers” is becoming less and less of a reality as time goes by …
Confusion, chaos, disruption and disinformation only works for a while … once you do it long enough, everyone eventually realizes that you don’t mean anything you say and nothing you say can be trusted or taken seriously. Then everyone starts to figure out that they have to work around you and without you in order to get things done.
But the frontier is in the other direction, sir
Titus, all roads lead to Rome … driver … step on it
I wonder where American military will start aggressively supporting American interests next?
Advertising and constant rage politics, far right idiots, armchair politicians and relatives and friends who wanted to constantly fight, argue and disagree
I will forever associate the first initial pre release beta whatever you want to call it GIMP 3.0 to the second time Turnip was elected.
The day of that announcement was the first day that GIMP 3.0 was mentioned for release
Beautiful reference and mention of an insightful writer and author … now I have some more reading to do. Thanks!
Our whole global pop culture has been fragmented now. Up until about 20 years ago, everyone the world over almost universally followed the same or similar pop culture because we all watched the same TV, the same movies, the same radio, the same music and knew the same biggest pop stars, movie stars and famous people. It was all mostly the same content from cable TV, satellite TV, broadcast radio, magazines and newspapers. We all read, watched and listened to the same stuff most of the time.
Now it’s completely fragmented. Everyone everywhere live in their own world, watch their own on demand TV … some like new stuff, some like old, some like regional, some like international, some like it all, some like only one niche corner. Not everyone follows the same patterns, shows, personalities or music.
I’m middle aged myself and I have no clue what anyone is doing or referencing most of the time and I no longer care. I like what I like and if I don’t understand or don’t get something, I move on until I find someone that can understand things that I understand.
That’s a better idea
We should replace journalists with guinea pigs on keyboards
I won’t be surprised if this little piggy gets caught up in some sort of public scandal
Thank you sir … may you munch on delicious vegetables all the days of your life
What is your interpretation of the word ‘Covfefe’?
Thanks to a singer song writer named Jesse Welles … this made me think of a new saying
“There ain’t no you in the United States”
Jesse’s original lyric was … “there ain’t no you in united health care”