In fact it’s not racist even in that case.
Keep on replacing countries until you get it
In fact it’s not racist even in that case.
Keep on replacing countries until you get it
You claiming i’m somehow throwing shade at ukrainians is way more out of context than pointing out that a comment sound racist
you would understand that in the context the sentence was clearly meant for Russian soldiers part of an invading force
Lemmy is filled with racism against russian keep hanging around and you will see it
Ci fai o ci sei?
If someone said “in Afghanistan they were shooting Italians on the spot” I wouldn’t find it discriminatory, because I am not an idiot, and I can immediately understand that they refer to the people who went there as a foreign army, not to random Italians.
“in slovenia they were shooting Italians on the spot”
It’s so ridiculous that you are still here arguing about this, and you know why?
You know what’s ridiculous? Having to change the subject to their country to make people realize that they are being racist
“they are shooting italians on the spot”
“they are shooting americans on the spot”
“they are shooting egyptians on the spot”
Replace the country with yours and perhaps you can understand how russian people may find it discriminatory
If USA were to invade mexico and someone would come up with the quote “they are literally shooting every american they spot on their soil” wouldn’t it sound odd?
No shit, so you do understand that if someone said the sentence quoted in the context of resistance, every person with a pulse will understand “they are shooting German troops soldiers or the Nazi” and not “every person with a German passport, who spoke German, etc.”?
We know that because we are describing a well documented war that happened in the past. If you were to come out with that quote in 1943 people would think they are shooting at everyone who is german.
You say i’m obtuse but i’m going to throw the ball back at you: you have to be obtuse not to notice the discrimination russians people are going under as a result of their government wrongdoings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Russian_sentiment
They are not going to stop that.
Not every russian is wearing one
Don’t get confused, ukraine and russia share a border there are many ukrainians living in russia and vice versa
partisans were shooting germans troops, soldiers or the nazi they weren’t “shooting every german on the spot"
It could very well be
You’re either not understanding the intent of their message or you’re willfully twisting it.
How i’m twisting anything? To me it looks like you are try to twist things here accusing me of being in bad faith when i simply pointed out yet another discrimination against “russians” as if they were all bad. Are you aware that there are russian people living in ukraine?
What a fucking nonsensical comment
same for yours
I saw you around, and I know also you are Italian, so I will tell you in a way you understand. You are being a “puntalcazzista” to throw shade on Ukraine with vague racism claims. Anybody with a pulse will understand that “shooting every Russian on the spot” means “shooting every invader”
You must be new here, people have been racist toward russians for a good time.
How exactly i’m throwing shade on ukraine by pointing out a racist generalization in comment?
they are helping russia…
this one
worst case is sending it to russia
It was a joke it’s not for russia…
How do we know they were for ukraine to begin with? One thing is clear: they aren’t for russia so the narrative that USA is helping russia or halting operations against them doesn’t old much against the evidence.
There are ethnic russians there. What i’m pointing out is that “shooting every russian they spot” sounds racist.
Imagine if i were pointing out a racist comment against mexicans and you come up saying i’m trying to fabricate sympathy for them…