Well, if he drops out of the race he will not be able to continue supporting genocide in 2025, of course… that will be instead continued by his successor, whoever they might be.
While that’s true, short term (vacation) rentals existed well before airbnb, they just weren’t so prevalent.
From the article:
Herinckx said his focus is on consumer goods not covered by sanctions. Reuters found no evidence that his firm was violating sanctions.
His business might be of dubious morality but it might not be illegal, so I’m not sure the government can do much.
This is of course just my opinion, but no horrors, imaginable or otherwise, that the Japanese could’ve possibly orchestrated at the time, with the means they had available, would’ve come close to the devastation caused by the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Why is this post downvoted? It doesn’t matter which side you agree with, it is newsworthy.
Let me know when the deal is final, accepted by both parties, nobody pulls out or unilaterally changes terms at the last second, and the deal is actually observed and enforced for at least a week. I’ve seen this script play out differently too many times to get excited yet…