Delightful, thanks for taking the time to write it up.
Delightful, thanks for taking the time to write it up.
TIL there’s matrix comic. Which one you recommend?
Elaborate with example pls
Guitar player attachment to (electric guitar) tonewood is my pet-peeve.
Granted maybe my ear is just garbage, but even if there’s any discernible variance why don’t just change other virtually infinite things you could do in the chain. Just EQ alone will get you there most of the time, it’s easier.
Alas we do tend to hear with our eyes, damn you marketing !
Does the experiences contribute to you dropping out or is it unrelated?
So you haven’t watched it ? Then just do it, it’s good. Plus the soundtrack is a banger.
I will also say the subsequent series also trying something new everytime. Tamer has darker tone (iirc)
This seems backward to me.
Since your example is media. Them relying less on ads means they would cater and align more with their patron. In my anecdotal experience creators with sustainable patron also tend to produce higher quality products.
As an aside I also follow Vox, or at least a few of their talent pool juggernauts like Johnny Harris, Phil Edwards, How Town (Adam Cole & Joss Fong), and Cleo Abram. Most also have Patreon I think.
Wood working ? Whoever craftsman who first makes a stringed-instrument, compared to a piano an acoustic guitar is a relatively simple instrument and it gives me endless joy even without company or electricity.
Yeah, the BBC article I posted above also mentions that.
At first I thought it would be like if someone told me to touch my nose and I have to consider which part of my face it is, because for me my body is split in the middle the left and right feel distinctly different I can’t confuse one with the other. Fascinating.
Are you ambidextrous by any chance?
I guess the brain is just weird like that. This is also news to me, I thought “doesn’t know left from right” is just a figure of speech.
And now I’m down into the rabbit hole.
This is wild and I genuinely can’t wrap my head around it.
So say, if you were blindfolded and run, if I give you command a la those rally drivers you will have a noticeable lag to my cue ? Like not instant ?
Oof yes, eating ( for sustenance ) is such a chore, also sleeping.
So trivial lol, maybe both of you are kinda in a petty mood that day.
If it was me I’d probably just ask what went wrong immediately cuz I’m impatient.
I hope you can make up.