Also seeing the face of Brexiters would just be worth it
Also seeing the face of Brexiters would just be worth it
Cane non mangia cane
Can you check in a terminal? If you can see them in the terminal and not in the desktop you’re missing a font. If you can’t see them in the terminal then you’ve somehow mangled them. What was the OS and filesystems you copied from?
When you really want to warm up the atmosphere
It has absolutely never happened before that one guy had to spend some time in a government facility. No. Not at all.
Comedy can be staged and still be funny. It’s acting.
Try putting -vvv when you connect and see what’s happening. I can imagine this happening if you have multiple identities (private/public key pairs) on the client and you hit a max retry limit. Pub key is always tried first, and it should ask for password once all the local keys have been tried.
Piaggio Ape doesn’t sound well in Italian. Ape Piaggio rolls much better.
At the cost of sounding naive and stupid, wouldn’t it be possible to improve compilers to not spew out unsafe executables? Maybe as a compile time option so people have time to correct the source.
Air brake. The fan rotates very fast but pushes air forward
Fifty thousand dishwashers side by side
Boh, my average experience is “apt install foo”. Let’s not perpetuate myths.
What kind of prompt does your company 2FA provide? Using openconnect with networkmangler, I get a pop up to input my pin+totp. I haven’t done the script way in the last few years, but the connection script is plain shell and I was able to handle the 2FA from there too
For anyconnect: openconnect works perfectly, either as standalone script or via networkmangler.
Unfortunately falcon self updates. And it will not work properly if you don’t let it do it.
Also add “customer has rejected the maintenance window” to your list.
There’s a rheinmetall video on YouTube, it’s a few years old already. Definitely not first gen research, and it’s good there’s competition already
Ah indeed, the British empire has been quite bad. /s but not too much
That, but also the fossil fuels underneath Ukraine, let’s not forget about those.
“business” used to be the right way to describe it . Then if asked you’d elaborate.