Printer ink.
I’m just kidding… listen to all the other smart people in this thread and not me.
I don’t really look at the number left, I guess. Most of them are things like taking a breath, drinking water, taking meds, meditating, etc. it’s stuff I would be doing anyway but now they are framed as goals that get me cute outfits.
I have a friend who strictly uses this app for self-care and only has like 5 goals daily, and they are almost always the same.
It’s flexible that way.
I totally get that. Trust me, I’ve so been there (and the current climate doesn’t help).
It took me a while to realize that 9 times out of 10, what brings me happiness is listening to a song I like. Sometimes even a sad song. Something that can make me feel an emotion.
We need to do small - tiny - things that bring us some modicum of joy on a regular basis, otherwise the bad guys win.
I refuse to lay down my arms, and a part of that is continuing to fight for moments of happiness.
Existing is resisting.
To give you an idea, you can just use the app for simple self-care, like taking 3 breaths 3 times a day and doing something that makes you happy once daily. It also has timers, soundscapes and a whole bunch of goodies. It doesn’t have to be a productivity app although that’s how I use it.
Pic of my pirate birb in her pirate house
Normally I’d say, “Thats me!” But lately I have been on fire.
I started using the Finch app where you raise a bird and can put it in cute outfits all by completing tasks. It’s basically tamagotchi for ADHDers. And it has a strong focus on self-care with things like breathing exercises and reflections.
I know it won’t help everyone, but for me it’s been a game-changer. I love my birb!
All of Russian history can be summed by in one phrase: “And then it got worse.”
Eventually he did start eating them again, maybe when he was about 8? It didn’t seem to cause the same issues then, but it’s hard to tell because he has severe ADHD, and I didn’t exactly measure his symptoms when in and off the dye. He is 18 now so it’s hard to remember.
A lot of it was obvious, like dessert foods. But some were sneakier. I couldn’t tell you for sure because that was 16 years ago. It was a whole diet called the Feingold diet, and it was pretty restrictive.
It happened to my son. When he was 2, he would barely talk and had behavioral issues. We stopped red and yellow dye, and within two weeks he was much calmer and saying full sentences. No lie. Most people don’t believe us, but it most definitely happened.
Nah, not a bot, but I had no idea where to get this as I saw it on Instagram. So thank you to @[email protected] for finding it!
I don’t believe it! I guess you better prove it to me with more pics or something.
I wish! These are my son’s cats (they live with his dad), and there are only two of them.
He is about 5 years old.
What’s even more adorable is Seven’s name is a result of his tail. He was born with a bend at the end of his tail that looks exactly like number 7.
A whole bunch of professional groups are on there. It’s one way I get client referrals and network.
I’m a therapist, and bipolar is one of my specialties. Had quite a few type I clients, not a single one called themselves a Nazi.
I get your point, I really do, but I think the dude just might be a Nazi regardless of whether he has bipolar.