Shouldnt the aliens and the lizards be fliped?
Shouldnt the aliens and the lizards be fliped?
We should build an A.I. overlord so that it replaces our current leadership like politicians and the entire market bussines specially the top, so that it can exploit resources in a reneuable way that is already possible right now but you know… lobying and fucking oil companies, and redistribute them to the population in a just way incluiding but not limited to food (nice food not rations), housing, medical services, psichological support (but the real one not the human resources bullshit), entertainment and internet access, and eventually be able to make custom orders like custom furniture, video game capable aparatus, modifing your house, travel and even swimmimg pools and ice cream. Besides i think our survival hinges on us making something about our leadership since there is at least one major problem that we need fixed that our current leadership is not gonna solve i.e. golbal warming, since they rather sell their souls and their people to the oil companies, and replacing them (even with a coup) is just gonna put more corruptible people that are gonna get bought out by some other straigth up cartoonishly evil entity, or they themselves turning into it or being overtrown by it, and destroying the entity would require a massive effort and thats not happening without mass destruction and even if it is destroyed another one will rise up from the chaos caused by the anti corporate war. So the sollution would be a singularity level A.I.
O thank god, almost ate the onion
Finaly, some sense and logic into the climate doom thing. All post i see are just “Nhyee wE cAnT dO sHiT 4 tE wORldz mYke ASS wELL DiE nhhyyeee booo hoo hoo” Boo mother fucking hoo, we can absolutely stop global warming dead on its tracks and we all know how dont we? Nobody has the balls to actually say it ( me neither admidetly) let alone go through with it. While we and our children are condemned to suffer throught the hot climate, we can absolutelly save the world for our grand children if we work together and repalce our poluting tech with renewable electric shit powered by renewable energy sources, and also throw capitalistic lizard people out of the ecuation with that other thing that we dont talk abbout cuz you would be surpriced.