Sick, let’s get this shit over with
There were these ice breakers(?) lemon cubes that were gum and they were so good
Just cool guys looking to hang out with other cool guys.
Damn no wonder my guy can’t get shit
Chargrill in North Carolina
Gimli has entered the chat
Restaurant Christmas party, guy walks out of the bathroom drunk af and tripping on shrooms with his dick out. Owner and their kid were right there when he came out. Instantly fired and lucky he’s not a sex offender
Bring tons of pipe weed plz
Deglaze with your favorite beer
Can we just mean corporate speak in general. I can’t fucking stand all the buzzwords that get tossed around
Probably at least in the 1k range
Back to the future part 1
He’s so chill he’d probably just let her
CallMeKevin if you’re into video games and someone who doesn’t take them too seriously
Secrid card slide wallet
Weed pen
iPhone 13 pro
I knew the kids who made the original Harlem shake video but that’s the closest thing I got