Er hatte übrigens Einspruch dagegen eingelegt, zum Teil recht bekommen und ist zu 90 Tagessätzen verurteilt worden - also so knapp vor “vorbestraft”, wie es nur geht. Quelle
Er hatte übrigens Einspruch dagegen eingelegt, zum Teil recht bekommen und ist zu 90 Tagessätzen verurteilt worden - also so knapp vor “vorbestraft”, wie es nur geht. Quelle
Mir kommt es auch sehr auffällig vor. Ich denke, ein gewisser Teil werden Nachahmungstaten sein. Je mehr Medienaufmerksamkeit ein Verbrechen bekommt, desto wahrscheinlicher sind Nachahmungstaten, und mehr Aufmerksamkeit als gerade geht kaum noch. Vor allem, wenn die “materielle” Hürde so gering ist (keine besonderen Kenntnisse, ein einfaches Messer reicht). Umgekehrt frage ich mich, ob die Hemmschwelle für gewisse Tätergruppen durch die rassistische Hetze gesenkt wird - wenn mich eh alle als Monster sehen, verhalte ich mich vielleicht auch eher wie eins. Zumindest dürfte es im aktuellen Klima leichter sein, frustrierte Leute zu finden, die sich radikalisieren lassen, weil ihnen vermittelt wird, dass sie eh nie dazu gehören werden.
You have (at least) two groups of people with traumatic experiences from mutual violence continuing for generations and you think there is a simple solution?
It’s interesting how the headline makes it sound like this was a new demand from Netanyahu. But apparently it was part of the deal and Hamas did not send the list due to “technical difficulties”.
That’s not true - I’m complaining about the bugs in our software almost every day!
I agree with the sentiment, but I don’t think being “ashamed” is the way to go - I only feel shame for things I have done.
But otherwise I agree. They just held their party convention with the speaker being flanked by 8 German flags on the left on 8 on the right - so 88. And held up signs “Alice for Deutschland” (one of their leaders was convicted for using the SA slogan “Alles für Deutschland”). So yeah, they’re fascists and ~20% of voters want to vote for them. It’s disgusting.
Politicians are afraid it might make them unpopular among the racist part of the population.
Are German prisons as scary as US (from what I’ve seen on TV) prisons or South African Prisons?
Nope, not even close from what I hear about the US prison system. It still sucks obviously and we just had a scandal in Augsburg where inmates have been tortured (beatings, not enough water provided, forced to stay naked, sleep on the floor etc).
I get the sentiment that the Russian people are responsible for their government. But repression in Russia goes far beyond “a couple of arrests and beatdowns” - they are openly killing people, torturing them, putting them in labor camps and throwing them behind bars for years or decades for very minor stuff.
You are much quicker to attack the OP, the article, me than the commissioner.
OP makes a claim, I asked for a source. That’s not an attack.
And how is on the other hand “he is very wrong with this statement (addendum: and in his job)” and “shitty and besides the point of any valid criticism,” and “he obviously tried to weasle himself out of his shit take” not an “attack” against the commissioner?
edit: anyway, I have spend enough time on this.
I think “vorgeblich” has some more nuance, as it does not say the claim is necessarily wrong (https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/vorgeblich). But like I said in the other sub-thread: he is very wrong with this statement (addendum: and in his job). It’s still a different picture than one might imagine when hearing “German government officials are deciding whether you are jewish enough” (which you didn’t write, but apparently was understood like that by other commenters).
Your reading is very generous to him.
Probably. My point is that I was very confused by the original claim (officials deciding whether people are jewish or not) and the following comments drawing comparisons to Nazi Germany.
I don’t have time to learn German to read your source, in an English based discussion.
Understandable. But when the discussion is about German law, German sources are to be expected.
It is not relevant that it is wrong.
If it’s not relevant, then why quote it? In any case it tells me something about the quality of the article.
The commissioner tried to use it to defend his position that they are ostensibly Jewish. Actually being wrong makes it worse as he should know better or he is lying.
Yes, as I said: the “Jewishness” of the people should not matter when you’re attacking their arguments. And yes, he is very obvioulsy trying to defend this instead of admitting that he shouldn’t have said that.
Thanks. So he explicitely was not talking about whether individual persons are jewish or not.
Instead he was questioning if an organisation (that mobilized to a “Glory to the resistance” demonstration on 7th of October 2024) is actually involving a significant amount of people from jewish communities. Which is still shitty and besides the point of any valid criticism, but also different from trying to decide if individual people are jewish or not. And he obviously tried to weasle himself out of his shit take.
The last paragraph is factually wrong though. There are religious communities who are Öffentlich-rechtliche Religionsgesellschaften, but you don’t have to adhere to these regulations.
It’s not a source for a quote if the quote does not show up in the link.
edit: the fact that this gets downvoted really says a lot about the quality of the discussion :D
Ctrl+F didn’t turn up any results for your quote (“alleged”/“allegedly”) , and I’m not going to read the whole article searching for what you might have meant instead.
Do you have sources?
Except the children’s behavior will also get a lot of people killed and possibly a whole nation enslaved.