Yep, the other comment is even more ChatGPT-ish. And the account was created today. Guess that’s a bot.
Yep, the other comment is even more ChatGPT-ish. And the account was created today. Guess that’s a bot.
Take that as you will, but you sound like ChatGPT.
well, I managed to upgrade from 16.04 to 22.04 without any major issues
Yeah conda is slow af, but you can change the env solver which makes things much faster and there’s also mamba/miniconda which I haven’t tried but is supposedly much faster
uberspace würd mir noch einfallen. Da kannst du sogar anonym (per Briefsendung) bezahlen. Der erste Monat (oder warns 2 Wochen?) ist kostenlos, danach pay what you want (empfohlen >5€/Monat, mindestens 1€/Monat)
The thing is that many of these things just can’t be measured directly. You can use the information from the simulation to get a deeper understanding of e.g. some receptors (as was done), and use that information for something else. For example to optimize a binder for the receptor, or to manipulate the tonic signalling. But that’s then often a paper building onto the findings from the simulation.
safety razor is the way to go imo. Same benefits of a shavette but easier to use and harder to cut yourself
maybe a WhatsApp backup?
Jap… bin gestern erst am Versuch mein Minze 20.04 hochzubewerten gescheitert. Hab dann stattdessen LMDE drübergebügelt…