Slava Ukraini!
Slava Ukraini!
Ukraine was never actually going to be granted membership into NATO, there is a reason for that. They’re being used as pawns. It’s not me who thinks of them as not noteworthy, but nice try with the guilt tripping, it won’t work on me.
That is so low of a bar to clear that it’s not noteworthy at all.
This isn’t even my final form.
Does an ethnostate that is carrying out a genocide as part of its program of ethnic cleansing count as fascism? Now what do you call people who supply that ethnostate with billions in weapons?
Is this like a reality TV show where we can simply vote people off the island country?
So your solution is to force everyone to never criticize democrats. Brilliant strategy, mate. I think we’re done here.
You didn’t read my response, so I’ll sum it up for you: democrats are the biggest reason why democrats lost.
Back to the strawman again, I see. If you have a problem with people “advocating for not voting and participating in the system and calling Democrats Nazi’s” then take it up with them. All I’m doing is pointing out why democrats lose elections. Ignoring voters, mocking their concerns, insulting their intelligence, and taking their votes for granted is not going to “win over their hearts and minds”.
It depends on the criticism, how it’s framed, how dominant it is in the discourse, and how democrats chose to respond. The economy is the biggest issue and it’s what dominated mainstream discourse. It’s a valid concern for the average voter because it’s tough out there. Of course “the economy” means different things to different people. For the rich, the stock market and GDP are among the things that matter. For the poor, cost of groceries and rent are among the things that matter. Democrats decided the best way to respond would be to point to the stock market and GDP.
Criticizing a policy of sending billions of dollars in weapons to a country committing genocide is always the correct thing to do. Let’s see how democrats responded: https://www.yahoo.com/news/bill-clinton-justifies-mass-killings-000813500.html
Oh right, sending bill clinton (not sure how he hasn’t been cancelled into oblivion yet, by the way) to defend this policy in the key state of Michigan where a large number of anti-genocide protesters are. Regardless of what you think of the policy, you’d have to admit it’s an incredibly stupid strategy to do this. Instead the democratic party would like us all to believe that it’s the voters who are to blame instead of democrats, who have/had the power to do things, not doing anything to get votes (i.e. the main job of a politician).
You’re free to bury your head in the sand and continue to mock stupid voters, but it’s never going to change things when the people with actual power do not want to change things.
Our political system has false dichotomies throughout it by the nature of the two-party system and you’re exhibiting a prime example of it. Pointing out that Harris should listen to voters is not campaigning against her. Also, Harris continuing the rhetoric of Biden, the guy who went out of his way to send billions of dollars in weapons to israel while they’re committing genocide is not saving Gaza.
I’ve never told anyone to not vote for the democrats and I’ve pointed out multiple times that I vote for democrats straight down the ballot every time and vote in every primary, so your entire response is moot. Sorry you had to type all those words directed at an argument I wasn’t making at all.
Ned Flanders’ parents are essentially the democratic party personified. You’re trying to wash their hands of blame because “Have fun dealing with the Republicans on this now!” but democrats did absolutely nothing to court voters during the election. On the economy, the biggest issue of the election, they lectured people who were struggling to afford necessities with “well ackshully the stock market and GDP” which has nothing to do with the average American’s finances. Even now democrats use “egg prices” as a shorthand to mock people who cannot afford groceries and who might’ve voted republican.
It’s literally “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas” as a platform. All they can do is point at republicans, like you are doing now, and shriek about how bad things are going to get while they allow it to happen. Remember how they shrieked about how bad trump was and how much we have to defeat trump during the 2020 election? They went on and on about how many illegal things trump did and then when they got into office, they put in the milquetoast merrick garland as attorney general who did NOTHING for four years. Now we have trump again.
You can’t just dismiss this as “that’s in the past” because democrats will continue being spineless losers until the end of time because that is their role in this puppet show that the rich put on for us to make us think we have a choice in the matter with this sham of a “democracy”.
Why would Biden bypass congress for arms sales that were “designated by many Congresses”?: https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f
israel’s campaign of genocide that it has been waging for over a year (and more accurately, since its founding) is not defensive. Biden even claimed that he’d set a red line, but then he’d pretend nothing happened when israel crossed them: https://www.npr.org/2024/05/29/nx-s1-4983786/where-is-the-biden-administrations-red-line-when-it-comes-palestinian-deaths-in-gaza
Do you think 2,000-pound bombs are used for defensive purposes?: https://www.reuters.com/world/us-has-sent-israel-thousands-2000-pound-bombs-since-oct-7-2024-06-28/
Oh, I see what you mean in that article:
The Biden administration has paused one shipment of the 2,000-pound bomb, citing concern over the impact it could have in densely populated areas in Gaza, but U.S. officials insist that all other arms deliveries continue as normal.
Wow, pausing a single shipment when israel already had more than enough to level all of Palestine. That really made a difference!
Corporations have always loved the boot, hence fascism.
Good idea threatening people who would want to do business with you, especially when your economy isn’t worth investing in even without the threats.
Hi, I’m still here to point out biden was supplying israel with billions in support as they committed genocide all the way until JANUARY OF THIS YEAR. How’s that for deafening silence?
By the way, think about what impression you give off when you spongebob text the word genocide. If it helps, try doing that with The Holocaust and think about how that looks.
Biden decided it was more important to send billions in weapons to israel as they committed genocide than to listen to protestors, so much so that he thought it was worth losing their votes over it. Harris continued with the same rhetoric. You’re ignoring over a year of things getting worse and worse in Palestine while insisting that somehow the democrats ignoring voters during an election when they need the votes are somehow going to make things better when they don’t need the votes. You’re admonishing people protesting against genocide in order to defend a party that has authorized billions in weapons to israel as they’re committing genocide, with Biden even bypassing congress to do so. Think about it.
Europe ditched Russian energy the same way they ditched colonialism: they didn’t, they just do it on the down-low now.