It will be nice when Trump has Lavrov over, only allows Russian journalists to cover the meeting, and reveals a bunch of classified info. True patriots want that. Right?
It will be nice when Trump has Lavrov over, only allows Russian journalists to cover the meeting, and reveals a bunch of classified info. True patriots want that. Right?
Navigated Boston a few times using only a road map (long time ago). My spouse and I always cite it as proof our relationship can handle anything.
I was about 8. My brother and cousins in their late teens (almost certainly stoned) were hanging out with me while our parents enjoyed a few drinks. This was normal at the time. There was even indoor smoking then!
Anyway, I’m reading the D&D Monster Manual I got for Christmas and am telling them about dragons. I explain there are dragons that can shoot out clouds of poisonous gas and accidentally let a fart go that I’d been desperately holding in for a while at that point.
Still the biggest laugh I’ve ever got and it really was an accident.
We were not the kind of family where anyone let on go in public so it added to the hilarity.
Work to live.
Edit: we have built a world where we measure success by money. This has meant we are all in pursuit of it all the time, even if we don’t want to be. The rich get richer by driving us to do more with less, which marginalizes those who cannot be a productive part of that. We supress our compassion because it isn’t making money. People suffer. Those of us who can contribute subject ourselves to a different kind of stress so we can enjoy a few hours of leisure here and there but we never really are free of the shackles of our employer. If you advance to a management position you are forced to evaluate and possibly fire people you could be friends with. When hiring you are evaluating how well people bend the knee. It’s not a great world we’ve made for ourselves.
For a long time I ssh’d into my vps to manage tasks and notes in emacs and even play dwarf fortress.
With utilities like screen you can rejoin sessions anywhere, etc.
Have you tried this?
Never tried to get a GUI running like this.