For sure, but I’d like to believe there is a fresh new fear in their minds. Kinda like what if the doc finds something serious and I go bankrupt from the treatment.
For sure, but I’d like to believe there is a fresh new fear in their minds. Kinda like what if the doc finds something serious and I go bankrupt from the treatment.
So if the question is what did they build their ships out of, that’s easy. They built their ships out of the soft floaty bones of baby mermaids
The 2nd and third time tho?
Thank you! I’ll look into changing the boot device
What, planes get pimples too. Nothing to see here. They are still beautiful
I know he is a cunt and not the good kind, but did he really eat an onion? Why?
Gender identity != gender expression. Haven’t watched the video but maybe she going for more of a butch look? Some trans women go for more of a butch look cuz that’s what feels right for them (source me).
I’ve noticed a similar decrease in quality. I have no evidence but I’m guessing they threw gen ai in gboard. Do yourself and the planet a favor, try using a non gen ai keyboard. I’m using futoboard and it’s pretty decent
Every day we stray further from gods light, and closer to Satan’s deafening ass cheeks.
Is that a Max Steel action figure?