I unplugged my company issued Windows 11 Dell laptop from its charger yesterday so that I could go ask a manager a question in their office, and the entire computer just shut the fuck off despite having full charge. I’m so glad I moved all my personal stuff to Linux.
Possibly, though I would be surprised. I only recently got this job so the laptop is brand new, but I have also had it long enough that it was an odd and unexpected event, before then I had not had any power issues, and not since either. Since it is not reproducible, I’m not so sure it is the battery.
Outside of this, it is either Win 11 or the Dell hardware that has other peripheral issues. Often when disconnecting from a secondary display, the screen freaks out and I have to try again. Furthermore when logging into the laptop remotely, Windows 11 for some reason decided to wipe out cleartype, making all the font textures crunchy, despite having set Remmina to connect with best-quality settings.