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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Man weiß, dass die Ukraine Probleme bei der Rekrutierung hat (Bloomberg). Ukrainische Presskommandos kidnappen Männer mit brutalen Methoden. Viele Männer verstecken sich und trauen sich nicht auf die Straße (BBC).

    Die russische Armee dagegen hat zwar 2022 eine Teilmobilisierung gemacht, aber seit dem werden nur Freiwillige rekrutiert, und die Armee wächst (Reuters).

    Für Russland gibt es eine vernünftige Schätzung der gefallenen Soldaten bei Mediazona. Die Zählen ~96k bestätigte Tote, schätzen aber eher ~165k. Für die Ukraine gibt es UAlosses, aber das geht grad nicht. Meduza hat vor einem Jahr geschrieben:

    If we assume the unlikely scenario in which the UALosses database is complete, the ratio of Russian to Ukrainian fatalities is 1.8-2 to 1. According to Meduza’s calculations, this is the maximum possible estimate “from above” in favor of Ukraine. This estimate, however, does not line up with Zelensky’s positing in a Fox News interview that Russia loses five soldiers for every one that Ukraine loses.

    Also ist ein Verhältnis von 2:1 so was wie eine Obergrenze bei den Gefallenen (vermutlich ist es bei Verletzten ähnlich). Ehrlich gesagt halte ich das Aufgrund der Berichte über den Personalmangel der Ukrainer sowie Berichte zur überlegenen Feuerkraft und Nachschub der Russen für unrealistisch. Zum Vergleich: Die Ukraine hat nach Schätzungen momentan noch 30 Millionen Einwohner, Russland über 140 Millionen (Reuters). Das ist 1:5, die Zahlen gehen nicht auf.

  • Das ist ein Abnutzungskrieg und die Ukraine kann nicht mehr Leute an die Front schaffen als Russland. Da könnten 100% der noch vorhandenen Lagerbestände geliefert werden plus die Gesamtproduktion, die werden verlieren. Dass das scheinbar immer noch nicht bei allen angekommen ist, ist echt nicht zu fassen.

    Ich hoffe alle, die immer noch nicht checken, was seit mindestens eineinhalb Jahren offensichtlich ist, werden mal hinterfragen, wenn/falls sie es irgendwann verstehen, wie es dazu kommen konnte, dass sie in einer solchen Desinformationbubble waren.

    Und ich will bitte nicht, dass jetzt die NATO mit eigenen Truppen in den Krieg eintritt, um das nochmal rumzureißen. Das ist saugefährlich und bringt mindestens hundertausende Tote.

  • It’s about as unhinged as someone assembling their own bicycle really. Most people (well, in a reasonably bikeable place, i.e. not in the US) just use their bikes for commuting or whatever, and don’t want to assemble a bike (I sure don’t). Some people like tinkering with their bikes though. That’s totally fine.

    If you’re not prepared to get your hands dirty, don’t buy bike parts you have to assemble yourself. And don’t install Arch. You are correct in the assessment that Arch isn’t for you (or me).

    There are bicycle repair shops, but there are no Arch repair shops. You have to be able to fix it yourself. OP is correct: Don’t recommend Arch to people who can’t do that. Recommend something that doesn’t push bleeding edge untested updates on its users, because it will break and the user will have to fix it themself.

    tl;dr: Arch existing is fine, in the same way any tinker hobby is fine. What is not fine is telling people to use it that just want to get work done or won’t know how to fix it.

  • MEM% for each NetworkManager process is 0.4 % of 3.28 G ≈ 13.1 M. Additionally, almost certainly most of this will be shared between these processes, as well as other processes, so you cannot just add them together.

    The virtual size (315M) is the virtual memory. Quite clearly only 13.1 M of this are actually in use. The rest will only start getting backed by real physical memory if it is being written to.

    The way this works is that the process will get interrupted if it writes to a non-physical memory location (by the memory management unit (MMU); this is known as a page fault), and executions jumps to the kernel which will allocate physical memory and alter the virtual memory table, and then proceed with the execution of the write operation.

    Many programs or library functions like to get way larger virtual memory buffers than they will actually use in practice, because that way the kernel does all this in the background if more memory is needed, and the program doesn’t need to do anything. I.e. it simplifies the code.

  • gnuhaut@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlResigning as Asahi Linux project lead
    19 days ago

    I’m not just talking about the US police. I’ve never been to the US, and I assure you the police is shit here too. Ts’o is American, and that “thin blue line” saying seems especially American or Anglo. I’ve never heard that over here. So I’m not sure how that’s even relevant to the discussion.

  • I fail to see how anyone could interpret what can only refer to holding the line as not a heroic act and a military metaphor. And that’s how it’s used, and that’s what it means, and that’s where it comes from.

    And Ts’o clearly knows this as well, since it he appropriately uses it as a metaphor for keeping chaos at bay and out of the kernel.

  • gnuhaut@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlResigning as Asahi Linux project lead
    19 days ago

    I usually see “thin blue line” (and the flag) used by reactionaries, racists, and white nationalists. Especially since BLM. Don’t know what sort of politics Ts’o has, other than he’s probably not an anarchist (ACAB!), but I guess (benefit of the doubt and all) he could be some ignorant lib with a head full of copaganda, so getting out the code of conduct for racist dogwhistles might be a bit premature.

    It comes from The Thin Red Line, which is about some Scottish regiment standing up to a Russian cavalry charge. Even if you don’t know that, it seems quite obviously a military metaphor, and that indicates a militaristic view of what policing should be like, veneration of the police as heroes, and total ignorance about what the police actually are and do.

  • Yeah sorry then. It would be good to not use ls in your example though, someone who doesn’t know about that might read this discussion and think that’s reasonable.

    As for your original question, doing the foreach as a personal alias is fine. I wouldn’t use it in any script, since if anyone else reads that, they probably already know about xargs. So using your foreach would be more confusing to any potential reader I think.

  • Don’t use ls if you want to get filenames, it does a bunch of stuff to them. Use a shell glob or find.

    Also, because filenames can have newlines, if you want to loop over them, it’s best to use one these:

    for x in *; do do_stuff "$x"; done # can be any shell glob, not just *
    find . -exec do_stuff {} \;
    find . -print0 | xargs -0 do_stuff # not POSIX but widely supported
    find . -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 do_stuff # same, but for single arg command

    When reading newline-delimited stuff with while read, you want to use:

    cat filenames.txt | while IFS= read -r x; do_stuff "$x"; done

    The IFS= prevents trimming of whitespace, and -r prevents interpretation of backslashes.

  • SDL3 has a new “GPU” API, which is some kind abstraction over Vulkan/DirectX12/Metal. I imagine it hides a bunch of boilerplate as well. With this, I think, one could do a 3D render engine without having to directly use the Vulkan API (or OpenGL, …). However, the shaders need to be in whatever format the backend expects it seems.