I’d be against him speaking against Gaza because I’m against genocide. How is this so hard to understand.
I’d be against him speaking against Gaza because I’m against genocide. How is this so hard to understand.
I did. The point I was making is that he got dropped because of political Gaza but not the holocaust. Both of these are confronting and might upset people who just want to listen to some music.
The quote isn’t about Gaza! It was fine to be “political” about holocaust survivors but not Gaza. That’s the point.
I wish you bland music in your future. Bury your head in the sand and enjoy it.
WDYT about this bit of the article?
Gillham also performed a song by György Ligeti, where the pianist had noted Ligeti was from a Holocaust-surviving family and he spoke about the political background of the piece.
Build it and they will come. The media will follow for the story and people will hear the message. Maybe.
I wish own/governments/journalists started running their own mastodon instances.
Yup. Not all ideologies are equal. And not all are worth defending. Not sure where you got that idea.