Thanks Limewire, even though you used to put virus on my computer.
Thanks Limewire, even though you used to put virus on my computer.
I think Twitch has gone to shit lately, because of their decisions, but I don’t know the numbers. Do you have any info about this?
Capitalism is in the end, fighting for monopoly. They rather lose money in foreseeable future, and probably ever, than allow adblockers do their thing for small user-base. Because they want max. control. I can only assume companies that do not go to arms race with their consumers are thee ones that aren’t public traded companies.
Make your own works and have it your own name on it. But everybody can copy from eachother.
In Islam, Allah provides the rules. You cannot have your own right or wrong, because Allah created us all, and Allah is the one who knows what’s right and wrong. Including copyright, including economy, including everything.
I as a Muslim, do not believe in patenting ideas already, because you can’t deny copying ideas. But most Muslims don’t know about this, unless they actively ask this question. You can also not restrict someone else with what they do with after you sell your product to them, unless it’s something haram you want to do of course.
But, and there is a big BUT here, you can’t copy someone elses brand. You can’t put someone elses name on it and sell a product without asking for permission first.
Also, neither USA, nor any other country is following the Patent law when it comes to things when it really matters. Power and politics matter, and if you think about it, it is hypocritical of them to apply the patent law when they want and not apply it when they don’t want, but if you think about it, patents are actually made so only rich gets richer and poor people don’t copy it from them. It’s to protect the rich.
For me, when the trust is gone, it’s gone. But if there is a time limit for you. For example 5+ years. You do you. It’s your computer. I remember it when it was fresh on the Reddit sub.
1 time is enough for me.