France and many EU counties have territory all around the globe. So technically EU is everywhere .
France and many EU counties have territory all around the globe. So technically EU is everywhere .
Military lovers freaks
Time to buy mangas
Amazing, thank you
Thank you! i will check them. Yep im a long time user of Obsidian and i have notes everywhere. But going to them , when i dont have much free time to spend, it also feels like a tool would be amazing to simplify the get into complex command.
But when the brain understands the core concepts well enough, the details come together as habits (where repetition comes in). This is the way. Understanding core subjects then is easier to connect and recall stuff.
Thank you!
Not heard, is documented and real .
It it continues that way it will be even physically a state made for war, surveillance, war edge technology, etc in favor and protection of west allies. With free to do whatever they want. Because where they are. They already showed it with the multiple (not just now) genocides of Palestines . The first one was “justified” on social opinión after WW2.
2080 - 2090, with a peak of 9 to 10 billions. And apparently wouldn’t be exponential .
It’s known according statistics in which year we will start seeing the coming decrease?. It will be also exponential.
One of the strongest truth the universe has
What would be the best foss for Android ?
Yep, owning implies so many things
It’s wonderful that just existing (and not even being conscious or care about it) is enough indirect motivation to live. Something we forgot long ago.
Never used I2P before because of slowness fear I got from Tor network and from the attempts I did and saw that awful Java client. But your approach made me interested again. Once connected there, how to reach content? Like downloading stuff and dig into what ot has to offer?
They did something similar when they arrived the zone last time and started Israel. They have been slaughtering Palestinians since then
What about forks like Thorium ?.
Aaaaaaand I don’t give a single f