Did anyone ask Ukraine what they want?
Did anyone ask Ukraine what they want?
Finally some good news. I bet they’re all very happy
There’s this thing called NATO
The problem with “thanks” ones is if they ever do go down…
Best to have “they’re up because of me” perhaps or something similar
He doesn’t treat his own states any good why would Canada fare any better
I recall an anecdote about (I think) a Japanese admiral during WWII, who upon realising the US Navy had a ship dedicated to making ice cream, knew that they had lost the war.
One thing I’d love to know. The IpTV source knows you’re streaming and what your Ip is.
Can this be run via a VPN or similar to maintain privacy?
He’s done the same with Putin
So let me get this straight. He was sat there doing executive orders in the middle of an arena or whatever.
Why is everything he does so….public
I’ve already deleted my account.
Not that it could be trusted before but at least it was fun.
Watching it descend into right wing nonsense is too much so goodbye. Sticking it to Musk/Zucc whoever will have it. Goodbye instagram too.
Strange thing to patent.
Also why china wants war with anyone is beyond me when almost their whole economy is based on producing stuff for everyone.
Ah I see. He wants to start a war with NATO so that Russia can help and invade more of Europe.
Any speed comparison?
Say no to terrorists. 21
Come on then if you think you’re hard enough
Trumps knowledge of the EU is solely what Farage tells him. Or should I say, whispers to him after rubbing his belly.
Are they twinks?
Other way round now. And they have little satchel things too on their chest.
Bizarre times
Iron dome not intended for ballistic defense, which is what the Iranians chucked at them
I’ve just noticed….what the fuck even is his signature? It begins and ends with an A…Auld BussyynnA