I can’t tell if this is satire or real anymore.
I can’t tell if this is satire or real anymore.
Water based lube.
It’d have to be a communal bath though, and I’m inviting you all, even Hairy Steve.
Agreed. And hopefully our man Kier can stop cosplaying long enough to follow through on more military support.
Can’t say the same for sneakers I’m afraid. I reckon the longest lasting shoe of that kind were a pair of Brooks that I maybe got 3 yrs out of.
Edit: or my Vans but I obviously don’t put them through all weathers.
My dad let me into a little secret (which I found out to be fairly common knowledge) about shoes.
Buy Italian, they last longer and the handmade ones can easily be repaired.
My dress shoes have lasted for over 16 years now, and I can’t remember how long I’ve had my Scarpa boots for, I’ve got 3 pairs, and they’re nowhere near wearing out.
What a gorgeous shot. Perfect.
She doesn’t even let us brush her. Her fur is as soft as a chinchilla’s.
You summed this up perfectly. Absolutely spot on.
My wife is still on Mac OSX, but my son has embraced Mint. I’m a bit cheesed off that there aren’t (obviously) many kid friendly programming tutorial resources, other than maybe getting a sub to codeacademy. Other than that, all good.
It took me a while to realise what this was. I thought a bigger kitty was eating a smaller kitty’s head.
So I herd.
Tsar right to know if he’s compromised.
Let’s maybe not call it the final solution.
I agree with you but UKR may not have the luxury of triaging a bunch of people into non combat roles, and with regard to reaction under fire, I don’t think anyone really knows how they’re going to react in that situation until they’re in it. Even volunteers.
I’m not and never have been military, just my £0.02.
You almost made me snort peas.
This is an exceptional write up, thanks!
I started with Mint and it was very simple to set up. I don’t really like the DE though (personal preference, I’ve used OSX for over 10 years). From your description it sounds like I can change Cinnamon to something else - is this fairly straightforward to do?
I’m looking to use the machine as a photo processing platform (from film and digital) and finding alternatives to Adobe products like Lightroom and Photoshop… with a view to ultimately having a NAS and cloud backup once I get to it.
Thanks for taking me on a search journey… to appreciate Beth, and Portishead beyond Dummy. Please do recommend any specific highlights. I’ll be going through their (and her) albums now.
Brit here. Слава України! Ви любов вас. Моя сімʼя і Я надія that you prevail.
You have a beautiful country and people. Don’t lose hope. I hope that Europe and the UK find a solution that gives Ukraine the edge to push them back.
I’ve wanted us (fwiw) to put boots on the ground in UKR for a long time despite Putin’s threats. Pretty sure the Polish do too.
Все нас любов. Excuse the crap learner Ukrainian.