3:2 sounds horrible. What’s the application when most videos are 16:9?
3:2 sounds horrible. What’s the application when most videos are 16:9?
As much as I agree with you trying to find statistics, your numbers are flawed. You’re comparing a single year’s current school aged children to a 24 year data set.
Exactly what I was missing from Reddit. I understand the joke from just browsing all. I love this.
I listen to a podcast called “No Dumb Questions” and they have a bit every once in a while called “Barnacles and Testicles” (pronounced like Greek names) where they voice these time traveling Grecians and just be funny and stupid.
Sorry, unrelated, but my Lemmy client says that you have “-1” downvotes and 49 upvotes. How is that even possible? It should only be a positive integer. On the web client, it shows nothing for downvotes, but says 48 upvotes instead of 49…
I took it as bronies and furries work together on Linux distros, so you’re missing half the team, not the full team.
But most bronies I know are getting into the furry fandom, myself included.
It’s crazy that Tesla is on the front page of here, but when I type in Tesla, there are no results. So broke of a website.
Super based. He likes girls, and he wastes no time.
What a great person that says this. Their animals happiness means a lot to them.
Never played the game, but I’ve seen this video enough to get the reference
Yea, I can see that. I mostly use my PC for games, but for work, I have multiple windows across the screen at different ratios.