Close enough.
Close enough.
Worked in an italian restaurant for a few years. IIRC our lasagna generally had pork sausage, yellow squash, onions, bell peppers, black olives and a bunch of the usual cheeses. Probably had some other veggies too but it’s been a while since I worked there.
It was good lasagna.
To add, that’s the only context I’ve ever heard it used in when working in restaurants (to convey that we can’t sell or offer anymore of a thing). If someone order a lasagna with no olives, no one will say “lasagna, 86 olives”.
Get a hormone blood panel done, it can check your cortisol.
I had one done a few weeks ago and (big surprise) my cortisol is basically non existent.
Monster Hunter is a great series. Not terribly stoked about the endgame in Rise though. I think my ideal game would be something like Generations Ultimate but with the overall clunk removal that world/rise did.
Is this Babymetal? I feel like I’ve seen this image before but I can’t remember where.
I find this hard to believe. I’d be curious to hear roughly how many people you know that are on disability.
For those unaware, social security is extremely strict with earned income affecting benefits. It’s also incredibly difficult to start getting disability benefits, even with mountains of documentation and medical records. It’s quite common to have to appeal a case multiple times, and it often takes years for people to be approved.
Additional suggestion: Cadence of Hyrule.
Real cool zelda flavored spin on crypt of the necrodancer, and it’s a good bit more forgiving challenge wise.
“… A…”
(Youtube link)
Some context for those unaware: Gawr Gura is a hololive vtuber, and this clip is how she started her first stream. Tens of thousands of viewers, and she makes her debut with 25 seconds of total silence and then a single “a”, followed by a cut to her loading screen. Very weird, and very funny.