Was that their expectation of you, or just a common religious interpretation?
I know plenty of people who use the term and have no care for the religious history of it.
Was that their expectation of you, or just a common religious interpretation?
I know plenty of people who use the term and have no care for the religious history of it.
I went to kbin.social during the Reddit api exodus, and when that fell apart I had seen enough of lemmy through federated content to know that was where to go.
His name is The Funk btw, and I guarantee he just wants to sit in your lap and get chin scritches.
And FYI for the actual innocent bystanders who aren’t troll farm accounts - the “various compliance requirements” are not just a US thing.
If you haven’t heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read the news some day. And by “news”, I don’t mean Russian state-sponsored spam.
While he certainly wasn’t sensitive about how he said it, he did state is was sanctions related.
All it takes is reading the article to see why it was done. You clearly did not do that and instead inserted your own agenda.
Yes I agree, you make some really valuable points here that I don’t disagree with. There’s a bit of an art to this and it is certainly not a realistic expectation that someone should be universally capable. Somewhere in that gray space between universally capable and walking hr incident is where we all fall.
Maybe an alternate perspective, but I do a lot of interviews for technical roles like developers, product owners, architects, etc.
There’s often a perception that the role can be done isolated at a desk grinding on tasks, but that is often not the case. It’s easy to find people who will do task work, but really hard to find people who are capable communicators and empathizers with the people they will be working with. At the end of the day, we’re trying to fill the roles with someone who we can trust alone in a room with a customer, and not someone who will be alone in a room doing tasks.
Godspeed Ukraine.
I think the point he’s trying to make is that he works on specialized network gear for enterprises and really isn’t the right person to go for IT support for your home internet issue. Not that you’re beneath him.
I kinda understand too, I have spent a lot of time in highly specialized technical domains and people often then ask me for tech support for things like their printer or whatnot that I am ignorant of.
I used to be more sensitive to feeling like other people were getting more recognition for less work.
Over time though I’ve grown to realize that usually they are just doing something that I don’t fully understand yet, and I’ve gotten far greater rewards from trying to learn from them.
It is so depressing to me that so many people can support something like this and be so comfortable not valuing human lives.
deleted by creator
That’s all I need…
You’re really stretching thin here.
Are you trying to say that you think a person who is radicalized against muslims is going to move to a country that is actively genociding a population of them and not support it?
I think the implication is that an anti Muslim radical going to Israel is likely to support the current Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people.
Yeah I am married to an autistic person and they think that they are being explicit and clear but are absolutely not. It harms their relationships all over the place and they are constantly thinking less of other people over it.
When you have this problem communicating with everyone, you’re the problem.
None here, had never thought about that. Now I feel lonely.