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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • wtf? by what standard?

    if the climate change inaction (or worse, sabotage) did not convince you, I am certain the COVID behaviour should have

    Humans frequently band together during disaster

    If they are directly affected sure… otherwise people may throw some money (which is usually promptly embezzled) and move on

    humans care for their young and old

    Their own young, sure let’s say that is the common majority. Their own old? a lot more questionable. Other people’s LOL… can’t tell you how many people complain about their taxes feeding other people’s children. But this is not an argument against what I claimed… what I said was basically echoing what Tommy Lee Jones beautifully said in MIB, in a nutshell: a human (as an individual) can be AMAZING, but humans (as a herd) tend to default to he lowest common denominator and that sucks!


    humans don’t typically engage in cannibalism of the weak

    what do you think capitalism is?

    humans rarely fight to the death or even serious injury

    Ok, now you are joking… no matter how old you are, I know with 100% accuracy that you have never lived in a world where, somewhere, there was a military conflict and people were being slaughtered… I know because we have not had such a time since 1816 (and that may just have been an absence of records)

  • There’s nothing inherent to running a business that implies cannibalizing one’s own brand reputation for short term profits

    True but only for a snapshot in time. When the expectation of the environment is unlimited growth and profit above all else, the quick cash out in lieu of long term gains is inevitable sooner or later

    You can find countless examples of businesses where the brand’s reputation for quality, reliability, and safety are considered sacred and any employee who publicly damages that reputation is ostracized. Japanese companies pretty commonly have these cultures, for example.

    Oh outside of the USA yes, I can see that… In the USA, I think I would count such examples with 1 hand (talking about large companies and corporations, not Mom and Pop shops of course)

  • So you just like the new lazy writing. Got it.

    No idea where you are drawing this from

    Because I know you didn’t just draw a straight line from the 1939 Batman to the current Batman and was like ‘these are the same!’

    Oh I see, you lack reading comprehension. To make it extra clear, having a common trait (what I actually said) does not mean “these are the same”

    And this is where we part ways. Cuz this is a threat about opinions I gave mine and you are clearly mad that I don’t like your favorite version of Batman.

    I’m not mad at all… Disagreeing with you does not make me your enemy… You care confusing me with yourself lol

  • Yeah no. I think you’re confused because Batman Begins came out in 2005 which was decades ago.

    I’m talking about Batman the character, you know? The one first published in 1939. There have been multiple versions but “dark and broody” has been a pretty common trait

    If you forgot he’s actually also known as Bruce Wayne and he knows how to smile and have a good time

    No, it’s been well established he cannot get past the trauma of having his parents murdered in front of him. Actually, it has been well established he is now Batman and Bruce is the disguise… So no, he doesn’t really know how to have a good time

    Post Nolan he is has lost a lot of complexity. That complexity of the character offset his serious side when the cowl came on.

    Not really Nolan’s fault and not what you claimed first either. Batfleck for example was not dark and broody, he was just a fumbling idiot who claimed his superpower was money

    Look me dead in the eye and tell me Nolan’s Batman is better than BTAS. Or is even in the same ballpark

    Again moving the goal post … What does BTAS have to do with your comment that Nolan made Batman dark and broody??

  • I’m going to try to take this in the spirit that it was provided, but you’re using a lot of "…"s,

    No ill will intended. You must be young and I’m old, my kids constantly complain about my abuse of the “…” They say I always sound ominous

    The only part my intention was to sound like “well, yes that’s obvious” was the part where you missed some windows specific GPU functions

    For the rest I was meaning to say that I recognize those problems but didnt find them insurmountable at the time I had to face them.

    I still have to deal with windows today because of work and I find the amount of orphan issues (or issues with no solution 3 years after reporting) saddening because I rarely see that in the Linux community

    True, I may be “over the hump” in terms of the initial learning curve but I encourage you to keep at it, you’ll find it enjoyable in no time