Everyone knows it’s news and injustice if it happens to be a white person, otherwise it’s normal border control measures to protect America and it’s freedoms.
I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
Everyone knows it’s news and injustice if it happens to be a white person, otherwise it’s normal border control measures to protect America and it’s freedoms.
Brown or Asian people happening to them weekly: 😴 🙄
One white person happening to them: 🫨 😡
As the saying goes, Fascism is colonialism turned inwards. We’ve been doing this for decades now, it’s only scary because it’s happening to milquetoast white people.
Maybe this gets people to wake up a little more about the situation we’re in.
If they could read any critcism of Europe/liberalism without treating it as a personal attack, they might understand that we got rid of polio due to a lack of profit from the inventors. COVID will probably never have that until millions more are dead from it.
COVID will stay here because we can’t kill a virus like this without a major world-wide vaccine like we did with Smallpox and Measles.
We still have the bubonic plague. It only impacts 20 people a year, but it’s still a disease, centuries after the black death. We still haven hundreds of thousands of people die of Tuberculosis every year, namely in countries that are under Neo-colonalism.
COVID cannot be beaten unless we hyperfocus on it. And we probably never will. Governments both “better” and evil ignored it and started not documenting/publicly showing the infection rates because it looked bad for re-election/government action.
Europe didn’t beat COVID, because it’s not up to one country or a continent to beat it, it would have to be a major world focus with the WHO.
Anyone saying otherwise is a fool who wants to ignore public health problems because it makes them money or thinks they’ll be immune to health problems that doesn’t care who you are, just your species.
And god I hope they keep going and keep winning.
The one good thing, and even then, I would have rather had every Jew and Romani and queer to personally do it for him.
It’s really gross people use my disabilities to explain someone is a Nazi.
I think he’s a Nazi because he follows their ideas and says he is. Not because he’s bipolar. Like every other political idology.
Ah then I’m actually Type I, I always get those two mixed up. I do have manic episodes, but never have gone down a racist rabbithole. I did however one time spend hundreds of dollars on trading cards and listen to “Stress” by Jim’s Big Ego on loop for at least 5 hours.
Even decades later, it pisses me off Hitler shot himself in his bunker as opposed to getting to have every person in Europe personaly beat him to a bloody pulp.
I’m Bipolar II and I’ve never once accidentally said “Man I sure do love Nazis” or put official merch of a Swastika.
Sure he’s crazy, but bipolar doesn’t explain it.
“But he made Graduation…”
This dude is actually very liberal, take that as you will. Hates conservatives, communists, anarchists. Might be a libertarian? His posting history is… wild to say the least.
That implies he has morals and a conscience. The rich have none.
Along with his treatment of Snowden doing a public good.
Boomer isn’t a slur.
You act like he’ll allow elections again, especially with large voter bases in the “new state” that would remove him from office.
I think almost any distro would be good at uptimes for days or weeks on end, but personally:
If you have newer harder, Fedora will have newer packages and drivers for that hardware.
If you have anything older than 2 years, Debian should be fine as long as you don’t mind older editions of your favorite desktop environment.
I think something to consider is that most distros don’t care when you update, as long as you update properly.
Arch for example doesn’t care of you update daily, weekly, or monthly. They just want you to update all packages at once instead of partial upgrades to help solve errors and ensure everyone is on the same page when needing help.
My personal vote would be Debian, as that can stay up for months without issue, but I get distracted by new bells and whistles on KDE releases so I use Fedora.
Debian continues to be one of the best distros ever made. If I had the means, it would get funding every time I run apt update.
I am going to jail for thought crime with Trump, weed just pauses the crippling reality around me where I can enjoy silly cat videos and video games on my off time from being an adult.
Seriously, dude stopped posting for months and turned back on their account just to shit on the lives of bombed people of Gaza. And they call us heartless.