I fucking love the flashbulb. Way underrated. Been my favorite artist for almost 20 years now.
I fucking love the flashbulb. Way underrated. Been my favorite artist for almost 20 years now.
Always speak using the terms SWIM, someone who isn’t me, to avoid legal culpability. Or post as if it were your goldfish or hamster describing their piracy activities. This is foolproof, i learned this secret spell in the ancient era.
Ah okay i misunderstood. Regardless there were far more harmful things influencing everyone in the 70s than nicotine, like the thousands of toxic additives and carcinogens in secondhand smoke, or the lead in the paint and the gasoline.
This would be beautiful. I remember when there were mod-chip stores beside internet cafes, where i could bring my xbox and pay to have a chip and a hard drive installed that let me copy any game i wanted from a rented disk or downloaded off the internet right onto the console. I still have that console and pulled it out during quarantine to make use of the huge library of games on the hard drive. Having this sort of freedom for all types of goods and electronics would be incredible, but i doubt it will ever happen.
I mean sure, nicotine is technically a psychoactive drug. But so is caffeine and theobromine, so should we stop giving kids chocolate? Ban all coffee shops? Honestly not sure what your point is here. Everything is drugs, at least a little.
I mean this one looks huge in the picture, it looks like 3 of that cat could stand upright side by side in it, so im not sure what you’re seeing.
I had a vm running in 2007 or 2008, but regardless she didnt even need windows for her classes. She just couldn’t figure out how to get her internet set up and could’ve just called verizon. Totally helpless and probably would have been thrown the first time she ran into a problem with windows as well.
Why couldnt she just install windows? Or use a virtual machine? How is her only option dropping out? It seems like she lacked even basic planning and problem solving skills and if it wasnt this that made her give up it would’ve been something else.
I imagine most things would become a service barter situation. Like you make me a great meal and ill give you a massage. Or whatever. People would be pretty confined to a particular region if theyre returned there at the start of every reset, so you’d probably have a build up of a sort of reputation economy. Probably mass marketplaces would form up where people could trade ‘favors’. There’d probably be a new occupation that crops up where someone keeps track of credits and exchanges them, but any kind of physical currency would be useless. But if you wanted a service from a particular person who didnt want anything you could ogger, you’d need some sort of middleman to vouch for you or things could get complicated fast.
I mean people would just adjust to the new time patterns. In every time loop story, people try staying awake past the reset and usually it just resets regardless of whether they’re asleep or not. The exception i can think of being palm springs, where they only reset once they fall asleep or die. But if the reset happens at a constant time for everyone, everyone would just adapt. Day and night already barely matter now that we have electric lighting and instantaneous communication. ‘Days’ would just start at the reset, and either last until the next reset, or 8 hours before it happens, or whatever the equilibrium ends up being. Maybe sleep would stop being necessary for most people altogether, if their bodies’ clocks reset along with everything else. That could be kind of interesting.
Nobody ever wins arguments, thats why ive mostly stopped having them. Sometimes, with a lot of long and patient DISCUSSIONS you can maybe bring someone around to seeing your point of view, but in an argument all sides just end up thinking the other is an asshole.
I thought the netflix remake series was actually really good. But yeah the movie was terrible.
Mic check 1312
Yeah red. So for all you people who have somehow managed to ignore all the factual and practical reasons that communism is superior, maybe this will finally convince you. If god didnt want us to be communists then why would we all bleed red?
Teacher doesnt like to wear a bra and is tired of the kids commenting on it.
I started using connect way back when jerboa wasnt all that great yet and i still love it, but ive heard jerboa is amazing now also. Id reccommend trying both of those, theyre both fully free and ad free.
So stop crying about it and tell us your must-pirate games already.
I have a lot of doubts about this article, but also i bet i could find multiple instances of churches in certain states taking down pictures of jesus to put up pictures of trump.
I wonder if its some regex mistake where because it has the letter ‘s h i t’ in that order even though theres letters in between, it got flagged.
He released some glitch/acid jazz stuff under the name acidwolf thats pretty good too, but not as good imo. The range of his flashbulb stuff is just incredible though, and i dont think hes ever made a song i dont like