Don’t forget poor
Don’t forget poor
I have no eyelids and I must sleep
It does “feel” like that to me. Some days it helps me do my job better, some days it takes an hour between deciding to brush my teeth and actually doing it.
I think they use up too much space. I primarily use laptops with limited SSD storage and using flatpak has come back to bite me a couple of times.
Well humans do be gross
Granted, if every turn in which you don’t promote the pawn the opponent gets to roll a die to convert it into his piece
When I was younger I didn’t get his popularity, as I got older it seems my intuition was correct
spear blunts after a hunt
intense urge to resharpen it immediately
Casually closes this app, knowing I will be back in half an hour
Damn he lost weight
Genius, this will save me lots of laundry
You wouldn’t happen to have tested whether by the 5th day the normal configuration reverts back to being usable?
To me it’s as natural as using periods
Methanol? 10ml will blind you and 30ml will kill you.
Methanol poisoning is a very bad way to kill someone for their belongings
As if I needed more reasons to start away from python
Don’t worry Vice City taught me that an under arm throw is the norm
As another user pointed out, the ones with Intel chips work well ie older models (idk the details as I don’t use Apple products)
Did the friendship survive?