I like the version of this meme where the item at the bottom is some kind of mint soap and the cavemen are chanting “MINTY BALLS! MINTY BALLS!”
I like the version of this meme where the item at the bottom is some kind of mint soap and the cavemen are chanting “MINTY BALLS! MINTY BALLS!”
Use? Absolutely not. Manufacture and stockpile? Absolutely. The sad state of world affairs at the moment seems to be that this is the one and only guaranteed deterrent.
Using a Lindsey Graham quote would be cheating…
Same. It’s not even a sexual thing, I just have a shy bladder and physically cannot make myself go if I can feel someone else’s presence nearby, even if it’s not a stranger.
Uhh… could someone remind me of the symptoms of a stroke?
If someone gave him a MAGA version of the Hamburglar hat he’d 100% wear it and think the internet was laughing with him, not at him.
These aren’t meant to be secretive killings, the signature is the message
Sure, but would it kill them to spice things up every once in a while?
Came here to say this. Dude routinely misgenders and deadnames his daughter and claims that she died from “the woke mind virus”, then he turns around and tries to pull this shit.
I mean… the article says the seller was located in China and using a pseudonym to communicate over Telegram and accepting payments in cryptocurrency. All to ship precursor chemicals in packages disguised as electronics. I wouldn’t exactly be surprised if the seller didn’t have a return policy.
Yeah. Good job dealing with Nordic Nazis, government, now please also take care of the American ones.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist or suggesting that there’s any connection between these events, but does anyone else find it kind of nuts how two notable government officials have died in aviation accidents this year?
The smoke is gathering at the top of the frame like that because the building has an overhang at the entrance. Presumably the security camera that caught the footage in the article you linked is mounted on the overhang.