Ja im ernst was ein scheiß erst die regierung ficken indem man die umgehung der schulden bremse vors verfassungsgericht schleift und dann wenn man selber regiert selber die schuldenbremse umgehen…
Läuft doch alles nach plan? Halte es nach wie vor für sehr sinnvoll Cannabis bezug nur über die Apotheken abzuwickeln…denn dort gelten halt standarts.
Wenn man sich ankuckt was in den usa nach einer volllegalisierung passiert ist…alles voll mit pestiziden und Dünger rückständen.
Während das medizinische cannabis halt super krasse standarts hat und oft sogar bestrahlt wird um Mikroorganismen zu beseitigen die bei der inhalation problematisch sein könnten für imunschwache menschen.
Wake me up when someone leaks EuroFIRST PIRATE, cuz i am to stupid to understand radar system leaks anyway
and imagen all the lenses, mirrors and and prisms in that, precision to the nanometer in surface finish, all that in a multitude of spectra
The EMF noise created by brushlessmotors used by drones can probably be triangulated by some NRO satellite constellation. Just 155 airburst the coordinates, if no other agency claims the drones as property.
To Credible
At a certain point just build a nuke big enough to take the whole planet and u dont need a launch system, but remember to tell ur opponent about it…
I dont know where the cuting edge startracker tech is nower days, but in the first cold war this stuff was borderline analog. Basically lining up some light sensors with tubes on them into the position of the stars u wanted to track. If then lets say one star turns into 2 stars (one is just a reflection of a sat) then the chance of fucking up tracking could be 50/50.
But yeah today theres gona be probably 3-12 cameras and some digital wiz calculations, but i doubt that most legacy ICBM systems are upgraded to that.
At what point is information considered public, once it is public or once its declassified?
Yeah but they do long exposure pictures, not time critical navigation.
I always wonder if those leaks lead to wikipedia improvements on the given topics somewhere down the line
Just be happy u where not exposed to the cyberpropaganda that makes us others understand this meme
With no humans on board driving under the flatbed truck becomes a feature, it latches on to save energy
ima stay fully non credible here and just claim that the starlink constellation can probably be used engage basically everything because there is no “beyond visual horizon”, the constellation is probably useable as distributed synthetic aperture in multiple wavelengths. Its also very usable for guidance telemetry.
With all that infrastructure in place…not sure if there is still need for flying trucks with limited amounts of air to air missiles. Just add a solid booster stage to some Meteor missiles that have starlink telemetry and u can engage basically everything that flies in a 900km range around each missile battery.
Ill doubt i have the technical expertise to judge any of that.
I think the future of air defense against most air breathing mid sized airborne targets will include:
I dont even know if it makes sense to call the computation in the missile itself “AI” cuz it dosent take much intelligence for matching 3D models of airplanes to the life picture of the cam and keep that in center. Against the open sky the contrast is so good that fucking 70s analog tech could track a IR blob against it. Top down against ground clutter the process may be more complicated but can be easy tackled by just giving it better optics that only keep the jet and not the ground in focus…
ok rant over i hope that was non credible enough
So its painted in something that has contrast at 12μm wavelength? at this point paint aint gona cut it and u have to put heating stripes below the aircraft’s skin.
this has existed for over 2 decades now btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EuroFIRST_PIRATE
There are basically no “fantasy” elements, the book keeps you on edge with every page, its the most tense book i have ever read, i fr could NOT LAY IT DOWN until it was thru. Stuff why u should read the book:
Problem is das der typ jung ist (für cdu verhältnisse), sein gesicht im griff hat und relativ ok reden kann…damit sollte man ihn deutlich ernster nehmen als Amtor…