7 months agoI added more comments on the original post which describes the situation a bit more.
Don’t know what’s a good way to get the comments linked to this post.
Do take a look if you are interested.
I added more comments on the original post which describes the situation a bit more.
Don’t know what’s a good way to get the comments linked to this post.
Do take a look if you are interested.
Standards are set of rules. But still different vendors implement them separately. For e.g. TCP/IP stack implementation is a bit different in Windows and Linux but end user generally never realises this because it’s close enough that things still work. I want to know what is the sequence of events when Linux creates a Response packet for a ping Request it received.
Woah! Thanks for taking the time to write the detailed response. Will take a look at the source code. Really appreciate the effort ❤️