Harold Potter could afford to shut the fuck up.
Harold Potter could afford to shut the fuck up.
Totally slightly different method.
How did I read the whole page and still have no idea what the fuck it is? It’s a laundry bag (?) that stops microplastics… And for all I know when I have sex with it, I supercharge it’s nano particles to hunt plastics in the atmosphere with tiny lasers or something?
The whole site is a vacuous infomercial as far as I can tell.
Bro, I prescreen each injection for microplastics before sowing the oats. It’s just common courtesy. Don’t ask me about my reload process, if you have to ask you can’t afford it.
Phew! Thought I was giga fucked there for a minute
But it can’t be taken bc of pins so I don’t think it actually gets a brilliant does it?
Same. I found chess at 36. I mean I played as a kid, but I didn’t get serious until now :)
I guess I can surmise that either you don’t play on chess.com or your user is not “picardmaneuver” all one word all lower case.
… Or you are gaslighting me… :/
Yup. 1300 blitz! And that was the only style
Then I can’t guess your username for chess.com lol
Do you really only play blitz?
Daniel Radcliffe looks terrible now.
Weird Al bin Laden
You’re absolutely right.
It’s religion. The Jews are in Israel. The Jews are the “chosen people”. Religion is retarded and it MAKES people retarded. That’s what they’ve got. Every American moron who is overtly Bible thumping or not is a vote in jeopardy if anybody says boo against Israel.
Religion was great when it was driving human progress around AD 1000, now it’s a fucking anchor slowly drowning us all.
Prayer does not empirically improve conditions of people who are sick. The most xtian countries in the world are the worst off by basically every metric. And yet, this brain cancer survives. Luckily we have flax_vert to convert us all or make us want to jump off our local bridge.
He needs a reality check. Israel is in need of a punch in the the teeth.
”Ore-GAH-no. What the hell?” - M. Simpson
I have a hard time being put out for the office of the president having deficits to the tune of 1 million euros if it threw 2 fancy dinners. It’s ostentatious, sure, but not crazy for heads of state and a hundred or more high powered guests in a palace. As an American, I guess I was expecting to see one more zero on the figure.
Sounds typically french to me.
Did you consider the audience?
How many kids transitioning to young adults have enough grasp of historical literature or other media to say “what bollocks! This is super derivative! Let’s do some high Arthurian fantasy instead!”? It got popular because it is approachable, entertaining, and knew it’s audience.
Now, jkr might have picked this kind of audience because she new as an aspiring author the quality wasn’t going to be tip top, but that’s a different discussion altogether.
1 e4 QUEENf-h,1-3++