6 months agoHow are they intertwined? Telegram allows public posts and livestreaming, neither of which they moderate. That’s nothing to do with encryption and everything to do with pushing the legal boundaries they knew existed.
How are they intertwined? Telegram allows public posts and livestreaming, neither of which they moderate. That’s nothing to do with encryption and everything to do with pushing the legal boundaries they knew existed.
Anonymity, no. But content privacy yes. Whether Telegram is actually private or can MITM content is another question entirely.
This is to do with content moderation not encryption.
Trans rights are human rights, and how you treat anyone in your society is how you treat everyone. Democrats were scared in the '80s and '90s to support gay people for this exact reason, and instead of losing elections they started winning because people realize gay people are people. They lost elections because they weren’t brave enough to stand with the courage of their convictions, and in my opinion that’s what they deserved.