“And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.”
“And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.”
Its named after choclatier, Samuel German.
Theres also the WiiU a game console so poorly marketed people thought it was a new controller.
enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another
Merriam webster dictionary definition 2D.
That is a definition people use when discussing libre software. The software is under YOUR control. If adobe says “fuck you, you don’t get the brush tool anymore” thats it for the brush tool. If gimp gets rid of a feature in the main branch, you can say “no fuck you I like this tool” and can just keep the code base that included it still.
Also you have a rather perscriptive understanding of language, which just simply isn’t how language works. Languages evolve over time. Open up a dictionary and see how many definitions are listed as antiquated. Those are definitions that aren’t used anymore as they fell out of favor.
Now get off your high horse about how words aren’t the same as they used to be or how words are frozen to definitions.
I’ve had calyxOS on this phone now for about 2 uears now. Its pretty good. It comes with microG to simulate the google apis.
I always do non-human if the option is given too. Its just more fun to be a lizard person or an alien, if not, I go for “eh, that looks enough like me”
Yeah thats hard. I knew like 4 of them and guessed the rest. Still only got 13.
American in a swing state, voted blue down ballot. Make us suffer for electing this moron.