If they’re looking for a good location, Hague is just perfect.
If they’re looking for a good location, Hague is just perfect.
And do it begins. Musk wants to become the new Hitler.
How soon till we start making time travel films about going back to stop him?
So now they’re going to conscript him?
Amen, brother! 🙌
I’m not saying they have easy choices. Or good choices. But they do choose. We all do. I’d even say life is all about making small, imperfect choices.
Around 100 have joined non-Russian institutes in order to continue their physics research work with Europe’s particle-physics laboratory.
Not exactly “completely out of your control”, I’d say.
No, I meant an accessory as in:
An accessory is a person who assists, but does not actually participate, in the commission of a crime.
Of course we cannot. I agree with you that nobody is born evil or a criminal (even psychopaths are not guaranteed to become serial killers).
By all means, if not for propaganda, we would live in a very different world.
But the unfortunate fact is that they did consume enough of that propaganda to do nothing, or worse, follow the orders.
Yes, they are not criminals by nature, but what they do is crime or at least they are an accessory. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_(legal_term)
the answer is - it doesn’t matter. the biggest learning from the nazi germany was that you don’t need the entire population of a country to be homicidal psychopaths. all you need is a small group of those psychopaths, control or media, propaganda and you get a perfectly functioning system where normal everyday folks go to their normal everyday jobs.
just those jobs are in gestapo. or in maintenance of gas chambers. or making food for the equally confused soldiers.
of course, we should avoid civilian casualties as much as we can (but apparently russian army is not required) but the system needs to be stopped.
russia has cancer. chemoterapy is not a pleasant procedure that affects both ill and healthy cells. the alternative is, unfortunately, to allow that cancer to spread to the entire planet.
I believe the trick to avoid getting encircled is withdrawing before one gets encircled
Ukraine doesn’t need that land. russia cannot afford not defending that land. The moment it gets too “expensive” for Ukraine, they withdraw. But that will only happen after russia invests heavily into actually recovering their territory.
It’s like in chess when a knight is attacking two pieces at the same time. The one on defense can only choose a smaller loss.
Which is a win for Ukraine.
If only there were a European country that is investing in the drone technology like their existence depended on it…