Added to my post!
Added to my post!
Added to my post!
Made a 5" aluminum baseball bat in high school shop class learning how to use a lathe. It’s been on my keys ever since. Thing is probably older than most folks reading this.
Edit: pic as requested. :) https://i.imgur.com/jrxStc4.jpeg
3dfx Voodoo3 2000 AGP
3? I generally don’t care, but some people are insufferable. They spew nonsense meant only to get a rise out of others and have a chip on their shoulder. Interacting with their existence is a waste of mine, so bye bye.
Our car has an awful sound system. I swear there are frequencies simply missing, and that transforms music in ways that are impossible to miss.
Or one would think, but my spouse doesn’t care at all. I offered to go through the trouble of upgrading the entire thing – receiver, dsp, amp, speakers, adding a sub – but they said no, why bother? Almost makes me weep when some of my favorites play on the radio.
Dated: September 6, 2024.