I absolutely agree that the modern internet has been turned into a corporate rage-bait hellscape, but do keep in mind that every generation that’s ever lived feels that their childhood was better and safer than what exists today. It’s human nature to prefer our fondest memories at our most carefree point in life - but although ipad babies are a scourge that terrify me, it’s important to remember that children aren’t all drooling fortnight zombies these days either.
France and colonialism need to be studied and their past mistakes interrogated, but being a dipshit apologist for fundamentalist extremist subhumans is substantially worse, because its happening now, and you actually know better.
Any comments on the kefalah system or insight into how Islam spread around the middle east? (hint: it was also colonialism dummy, just a kind you seem to think is acceptable as opposed to France’s) Interestingly the racist colonisers stopped using capital punishment, albeit way too recently still, but they’re not still fucking crucifying people like fucking savages for aposty.
Supporters of ignorant turds that can’t handle a secular state’s media’s fundamental right to satirise a pedophile cult leader from 500 years ago should go retreat to the shadows from where they came. You might believe immensely in your god or prophet, but they dont exist in the reality of other people better educated, more inquisitive, or more fortunate not to be brainwashed into that belief by birth or oppression. Killing people who dont share your favourite religious text is stone age behaviour and the mark of an animal, not a human being.
Dont you dare pollute the legitimately necessary discourse about historical wrongdoings in the world with justifications of terrorism because you never opened more than one book before.
Celebrating people that reduced themselves and their community to barbarism because they couldn’t mind their own fucking business in a multicultural society is pathetic and you should aspire to be better than that before someone tricks you into doing something stupid and dangerous.