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Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2025

  • Thanks for this fantastic write up, and your other response! I definitely learned a lot just looking up all the terms. Just a couple of questions if you have time.

    For your 16x bay boxes, are you running like old Optiplex or PowerEdge hardware or something else? I ask because these seem to be available in large supplies from surplus sites and Im curious if one is strictly better or easier to work with. Also, I’ve read that you should loosely match TB of storage to GB of RAM. The PowerEdge hardware has tons of DIMMs but old PCs don’t so curious if you’ve had to deal with that since zfs seems so well optimized.

    For the split categories, ie. 2x for TV you mentioned, do you need to run two instances of Sonarr? Or do you just manually change the path when a single box gets full? Otherwise, how do you keep the two instances in sync?

    Lastly, I’ve done quite a bit of reading on OMV and Proxmox but I don’t actually use them yet. Do you recommend Proxmox with an OMV vm or just OMV baremetal?

    Thanks for taking the time!