Ubiquiti G3 and G4 cams do rtsp direct streams without needing Unifi Protect services on a unifi gateway device. G5 requires unifi prot but can rtsp from the protec gateway.
Ubiquiti G3 and G4 cams do rtsp direct streams without needing Unifi Protect services on a unifi gateway device. G5 requires unifi prot but can rtsp from the protec gateway.
What kind of psychopathic logic tree is this? He’s not be laid off, he’s being sent to die.
You didn’t challenge the statement at all, all you did was make a sarcastic quip to mock it without any substantive reasoning, then followed up with dismissiveness when pushed back on.
Your mocking statements do not have any right to go unchallenged.
It’s a two way street based on your own logic tree. Let’s stop wasting time with contextual meta nonsense.
Weird, thats not all I was doing, but go head, pile on.
Believe it or not, mocking people out of the gate with no context can be construed as being an asshole bully.
I’m fully open to the idea that its not a conspiracy at all, but you’re too interested in a chance to mock ideas rather than ask or explore anything that diverts from your apparent need to punch down.
This is a common theme for you and has been for a long time on here, one minute you seem to see yourself as a victim of bullies and even come to others defense, but the next minute you are attacking those you assume are outside of your bubble of belief while pretending sarcastic mocking excuses blithe arrogance.
This isnt Reddit, why continue to bring that sort of vitriol here?
Obviously not, is there a reason you feel it necessary to mock my arbitrary comments on this other than just being a jackass bully?
The yacht seemingly sank because of the storm, but we don’t have enough confirmed evidence to make that a factual consideration yet, just a guess. There are a lot of pieces that may connect. The missing people include very high wealth individuals, and the lawsuit angle creates a connection for potential malfeasance.
What better cover story would work to hide several crimes? Its not necessarily a conspiracy of crime, but it has some weird timing.
The co-defendant from the lawsuit also dying is more specifically suspicious, the btc “hack” happening at the same time is just a potential cherry on top.
This is getting suspicious.
A bitcoin whale wallet seems to have had $230+ million btc stolen on Monday as well.
Real estate tycoon Srettha becomes the fourth Thai premier in 16 years to be removed by verdicts by the same court, after it ruled he violated the constitution by appointing a minister who did not meet ethical standards.
Imagine if the US had ethics rules with teeth like this.
Nothing to be torn about. He’s a selfish asshole.
What a weird comment, trying to pretend things are weird while making it weird.
It was obviously a joke to imply the voter demographic in question are acting like babies.
Don’t be an Aussie Senator.
Why didnt you post any of those articles as Lemmy threads then?
Op’s point lacked some defined clarity of context, but your particular subjective posting demonstrates your own inherent bias. It genuinely seems you only feigned objectivity as an attack to divert from exposure of your own bias.
Propaganda posting is propaganda posting, whichever side it comes from.
Yall Queda and the Gravy Seals just aren’t that strategically competent with their slice of plain white bread class of domestic terrorism, not without some foreign intelligence command and control running them.
Voyager client on Android, autoplayed the autorepeating gif for me.
Now do Scotland.