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Cake day: November 13th, 2023

  • I’m gonna hazard a guess that, while local sandwich shops have quality, speed, and razor-thin margins down to an artform, a major fast food franchise is better suited to the task. The major reason being: logistics. A country-wide chain is probably at or close to the scale needed to qualify as a military contractor in this capacity. Nevermind the quality of the food, we’re talking about the ability to move a stupendous amount of calories around. Assuming the photo is of a mobile kitchen, well, that would be the easiest part of all this.

    Meanwhile, something familiar from home is bound to be a boost to morale.

  • People don’t realize what constraints props departments are under, or for that matter, how little it takes to impress a camera.

    IMO, everyone should binge-watch Adam Savage’s YT channel before putting down serious money on a movie prop. A shocking amount of this stuff is basically made to survive the production time-frame, and little else.

    Also: congrats with that brief brush with stardom. That’s hilarious. Next time, you should seriously lead with “I threw up on Matthew Broderick once.”

  • WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically

    The scope of this statement is a shock, but the motivation that led to it, isn’t. That said, I hate everything about this.

    I’m not the first to bring this up, but it bears repeating. This is colonialism, plain and simple. That, in turn, is an outcome of unchecked capitalism. Practiced ideologically (i.e. as the guiding light in one’s life), it holds up “exploitation at all costs” as a virtue. Second to that is “give your competition no quarter.” Combined, that explains the current state of affairs.

    We all may be used to thinking of colonialism as some thing that ended on one more more independence days in the last 300 years or so. In reality, the engines of commerce and industry that made that happen kept right on running. Since nation-state-sized real-estate deals like this don’t come along very often anymore, these animals are quick to react and pounce before someone else figures out how to exploit the situation.

    As an aside: the attitudes and values that enabled things like the US westward expansion, slavery, classism, eradication of indigenous peoples, environmental destruction in the pursuit of minerals, pollution and litter from energy extraction, etc., are still alive and well in the population. Being this kind of evil is insanely profitable under the right conditions, which confers an outsized advantage to reproduction and social influence. Which is to say that it’s not the ideology of capitalism that propels these values to stay with us, but rather the other way around. It’s as though those colonists with exploitation in their hearts are still very much with us, and that’s something to keep an eye on.

  • Yes, where we were READY to solve problems like “is that game ported to my system” and “is it any good?”

    FWIW, we were also dropped immediately into a BASIC interpreter, day one. PC’s may have been priming IT professionals, but were C64 users primed to be programmers?

  • Iceland games bring an extra amount of “the players will come back for more in-game abuse” though. Eve Online and the (failed) Dust:514 are stand-out examples of totally unforgiving yet (somehow) rewarding gameplay.

    If From Software contracted out to Icelandic game devs, the result would be a game that’s harder than diamonds and a lifetime achievement to complete.

  • Force these shitters to make their products healthier for all age groups.

    There’s a lot of nuance here, but in general I agree. Hank (of vlogbrothers and SciShow fame), summed this problem up brilliantly. To paraphrase: social media is engagement based, not quality based. Upvote/like content on all you want, but misinformation, propaganda, rage bait, and doom-scrolling fodder will dominate any platform where the only valued metric is eyeball time.

    So, the top-down solution would be to somehow strictly define how for-profit ranked media feeds and news aggregators are allowed to operate. Unintended consequences of such a law aside, I think it’s possible to legally define a “well-behaved” social media site, but it won’t be easy.

  • I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this too. Just yesterday, I was thinking “what would Mr. Rogers say/think at a time like this?”

    Then it dawned on me that maybe the worst parts of society had a radically different upbringing and media exposure than myself. 1 The so-called “violent” cartoons (many of which were just toy commercials) I get and recall people keeping that stuff from their kids. But to think of banning something like (1980’s) PBS in your home, of all things. Now I understand why that messaging existed in the first place - we might be worse off right now without it.

    1. Insert “we-are-not-the-same-gen-x.jpg” meme here.