Do you mind telling roughly how much it cost?
Do you mind telling roughly how much it cost?
This only works if there is enough supply from those other companies. This also assumes that the other companies have a supply chain that isn’t affected by tariffs. Which means each step on the chain needs to produce enough to be a reasonable alternative to tariffed imports.
Two different concepts.
You’re talking about work slowing because of increased overhead from more people needing to communicate and make decisions.
The OP is talking about the"bus factor". How many people can leave the project unexpectedly and still have the project survive. E.g. if only one person has access to merge changes, the bus factor is 1 regardless of how many people actively contribute.
Abortion should be legal in all cases
The thread replying to the parent comment is a good example of how restricting abortion access requires people to arbitrarily decide definitions of when a fetus “becomes human.”
It’s best to leave that decision up to the pregnant person in consultation with their medical providers.
but a fetus becomes a unique individual when there is clear, identifiable, brainwave activity.
If there’s no brainwave activity, it’s not a life, no matter how many weeks old pre-birth or how many years old after birth.
This is another arbitrary definition of personhood. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong. But there are other (equally arbitrary) definitions that are reasonable too. (And there are a bunch of unreasonable definitions, but we don’t need to go into those.)
Whether they’re directly caused by an ADHD neurotype or not, all those things are associated with ADHD
To pick one at random, Rejection Sensitive Disphoria (RSD) is often found with people who have ADHD. People dealing with RSD often imagine rejection where none was intended. That includes reading negative feelings into text messages, conversations, etc.
(CAVEAT: I am not an expert. This is not my professional field. This is speculation from someone who has ADHD and is around ADHD kids) I don’t know if there’s good research out there or not about RSD+ ADHD, but I suspect RSD is conditioned. Growing up with ADHD, you get a lot of negative feedback from people. You aren’t paying attention well enough, you’re often clumsy, you often say the wrong things at the wrong time, etc. With enough of that sort of feedback, developing negative self talk which turns into full RSD sounds like a natural outcome.
I started using restic for backups.
Glad it wasn’t just me that read it that way.
What if I like ellipses…
That’s not exactly how it works. There are “territorial waters” which are entirely under the control of the state. And there is the “exclusive economic zone” (EEZ) outside of that, where the state has rights to resources. But the surface is “international waters”. This incident happened in the EEZ.
It definitely is possible, but if you have to ask, you probably don’t have the background to do it.
If you want to do it anyways, great! You’ll be learning some new skills. I suggest taking it slow. Use a bunch of dummy boards to practice on. When you’re ready to try for real, try it on a machine you don’t care about first. Something cheap enough that you don’t care if you mess it up.