I’m thinking the same thing. How can we in good conscience fund a government that is so blatantly giving taxpayer money and favors to billionaires and enabling dictators and genocide?
Also [email protected]
I’m thinking the same thing. How can we in good conscience fund a government that is so blatantly giving taxpayer money and favors to billionaires and enabling dictators and genocide?
Just the fact that the US is basically stealing Ukraines lunch money to make a bully stop attacking them makes the US a bully.
But what is the other bully Russia getting out of this deal?
Yeah none of the current US administrations actions would make me want to ally with the US.
I still say there is nothing wrong with capitalism. Decide what service and/or goods you want to sell, start a business, calculate costs, sell your products, make a profit or hopefully at least break even.
It’s like most anything else, too much of a good thing becomes bad and too much capatilism is mega corporations that care more about profits than customers.
The mom and pop taco truck is capatilism. But so is Tesla.
You know what I mean, it’s free when you go to the doctor, no?
Republicans don’t like Canada. All the speaking French and free healthcare and such.
Kids want attention, whether it’s negative or positive they want it.
Try to give her some undivided attention each day.
Tell her what you think about things but don’t nag.
Akso, drink as much water as you do alcohol.
If I’m getting a refund I file in late Feb or early March. If I owe then I file close to Apr 15. Why pay sooner than you need to?
He has so much hate-filled energy, I think he needs all the pushback the world and his own constituents can give him. Keep him busy.
Of course he will leave NATO if allowed.
Europe didn’t have to survive with Thunberg, she wasn’t in the government and had no decision making authority.
They want before women started working in large numbers and before there were so many brown immigrants.
The Saudis will find a place for them to work I’m sure.
Yeah he’s like the bratty sensitive kid that will take his ball and go home if he doesn’t get his way.
When we are in an inflation crisis he will just use that to take more power. However he is almost unchecked right now.
I think this is a married couple deciding not to walk through a relationship minefield together and it seems very reasonable. Yeah maybe he could be more open-minded but it is very nice of her to not rock the boat.
He learned a new word and is using it all the time. Hopefully leaders will grow tired of it and just call his bluffs.
We’ve got a bully in the White House and all his little buttkissers are doing his bidding.
They grew up with the red scare and maybe they miss it. Sorta like after the fall of the USSR a lot of the older Russians missed the way things were under the old rulers.