I’m at my third type of medication and still no difference. At least I’m not absolutely drained as on first one but yet to see a positive impact. Yes, I’m diagnosed.
I’m at my third type of medication and still no difference. At least I’m not absolutely drained as on first one but yet to see a positive impact. Yes, I’m diagnosed.
No thanks
Men will do anything including hard drugs instead of going to the therapy and/or trying perscribed meds.
Perfectly balanced
MS has been using Linux on their servers for years
Where can I find beforehand which laptop supports S3? Are there any know brands that do?
All of this is one big theatre
It would say PrototypeFilterStubFacadeBridgeDecoratorTaskRequestMapEventExporterInfoModelRequestIterator
Instructions unclear, started a new war instead
How do I find these lab grown minerals? Where can I buy them? I’m in EU
That’s me. Once you remove the pressure I’m a mess