But if you put mirrors or magnifying glass as the heat source you lean too much towards solarpunk :)
But if you put mirrors or magnifying glass as the heat source you lean too much towards solarpunk :)
Steampunk is powered by magical non-heated water vapor motors rule.
This would finally get rid of taxes.
Never go full chumbawumba
Isn’t violet / purple the made up one ?
carpe diem carpe noctem non credula postero
When your friend has an addiction, you try to support him to quit. If a friend turns into a fascist , you should support him to quit, exclusion will only make him more extremist :(
No one would farm it for profit and no one would import it for profit. Ends up with people still selling it for profit in a black or parallel market.
Aah candy flipping huh? An upper and a downer
Inside everyone of us lies a wolf and a kitty. Who wins is who you feed the most rule.
Im more concerned that this people did not take the time to read their contracts or have their terms reviewed. Work for people you can trust or get a lawyer.
Bro what’s the point of being an actor if you get offended by playing a role.
Definitely, you can even see some leftover flour on the left of the paper/pic ;)
Congrats , free buttplug
But what feeds your punpunk motors? Gleecerine?