I did not know, that background images could have this enormous effect! Good to know!!
I did not know, that background images could have this enormous effect! Good to know!!
Wow, that’s supercool actually! I had no idea…
I thought it’s either swap or ZRAM - could you use both at the same time?
What the others said, if possible, go see a doctor. I have depression but I’m subscribed to this channel because it’s interesting for me to learn about symptoms and ideas how others deal or cope with them. ADHD and depression share many similarities. ( I will definitively try to learn from the mentioned book tiny habits) I went to a doctor when I felt really really bad. But it was one of the best decisions I have ever made, because I got a treatment and can even go to a therapy. And if you shouldn’t suffer from ADHD or depression - even better!
Wow, super insightful, thanks a lot!
I have to deal with depression at the moment. I am unhappy with some circumstances in my life. Since unemployment could happen soon, it would be beneficial, if I would apply for some jobs. I even asked some friends if they knew about vacancies. But for some reason I just can’t do it. It is enormously frustrating. But reading about symptoms here and realising it actually is a symptom helps me with self compassion.
yep, can confirm
Naja, immerhin sind da doch fachliche und sachliche Bezüge, oder? Wenn ich mir da hingegegen die designierte Regierung anschaue…