Yes, you can use any local editor to edit your remote files
Yes, you can use any local editor to edit your remote files
How large is your homelab cluster? The current restriction of only one Proxmox node is mainly there because in practice I don’t think it would be possible to distinguish between personal use and commercial use. Because many companies also run a cluster with multiple nodes without the enterprise repository as that is not really needed.
The display issue is interesting because I was not aware of that before. I have a few Linux systems with a gnome DE, but none of these are using nvidia hardware acceleration. I can definitely look into finding the cause for this if you want, but it’s only really worth it for you to spend some time on this if you actually want to keep using XPipe. If the current restrictions are a dealbreaker for you, then I understand that.
I think a screenshot of how exactly it looks for you would already be a good starting point for me.
I guess that depends on what you consider basic homelab functions. As I mentioned, I know that that any commercialization model is not going to be perfect but I try to allow for as much free usage as reasonably possible.
About the text scaling, I will have to look into that. I know that some desktop environments are weird with their display scaling and that it is not getting rendered properly there.
Alright, feel free to let me know how it compares to your other tools that you use. That is always a valuable insight for me